
Thought Provoker
4awards United States
Read Poems (57)
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Member Since 30th July 2015
harliequin joined 3520 days ago and last visited 643 days ago
Comments 345
Forum Posts 103
Group Posts 0

Poet Introduction

I love playing with words

Favorite Poets/Writers

Watsky, LokiOfLiterati (DU), Arbasyn (DU), _shadoe_(DU)

About Me

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Constructive Note:
I will skim and skip your work if you write in long, chunky, run-on paragraphs with poor punctuation, grammar and/or spelling or in ALL bold. Bold is for emphasis on particular parts, not for entire pieces.

I hate to say it, but I have to be brutally honest. Please use the wonderful tools we've been given in the English language: spell-check, commas, periods and semi-colons. Paragraph breaks, as often as prudent, are also highly appreciated. Thank you kindly!

Another pet peeve of mine is the misuse of there, their and they're; your and you're; and any netspeak in poetry (ur, ppl, etc.)

I love collaborative descriptive prose. I usually write a paragraph and get stumped, but find it helpful to have someone write the next paragraph to launch me into the next paragraph.

Send me a message with a launch point if you'd like to collaborate. Or request a launch point.

I found this site via a message sent to me on deviantart, so far I like it. Thanks for the invitation!


My Reading List

Full Reading List
Sanguinary by Savaja
Ouroborus Text by LokiOfLiterati
I've got rhythm by archetype23
Soldiers of Circumstance by Ant1-Her0-Project (Travis)
The Land of Sleep by Astyanax (Ceejay)
Passion For You No More by crimsin (Unveiling)

Poets I Follow

All Poets I Follow (11)