gennalove99 (Genevieve)

Lost Thinker
United States
Read Poems (19)
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Birthday 29th June
Relationship Status Single
Member Since 20th August 2011
gennalove99 joined 4781 days ago and last visited 4225 days ago
Comments 18
Forum Posts 1
Group Posts 0

Poet Introduction

I have now been writing poetry for nearly 2 years. I think everyone should have something to loose themselves in, and poetry is what I loose myself in (:

Favorite Poets/Writers

Shakespere <3

About Me

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The name is Genevieve (:
I live in America
I'm bisexual :3
I'm Atheist..
I like black and lime green.
I really enjoy writing.
I honestly haven't been on this website in over a year, but I think on going to start uploading my poetry again
Please, honest feedback?! D:

Poets I Follow
