
Twisted Dreamer
United States
Read Poems (55)
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Member Since 12th August 2011
emptyness joined 4733 days ago and last visited 3821 days ago
Comments 114
Forum Posts 8
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Poet Introduction

love kind and caring and a little nuts

About Me

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Angie here. I try to be a good person; but most of the time i'm  misunderstood an sometimes i dont even get myself.But i try to understand where others are come from. I have many mental thing going on with me, bi_polar and ptsd with and other issues. To just be honset about it i'm a crazy nut that want to be the best person I can be; and help other people I maybe mental but I do have feeling for other in my life.I would love to meet new people and share my life with them; and hopefully they would share with me. If you need to know anything else; dont be shy about it just ask me.  

My Reading List

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Disease by AlexnEmoLand (RevolutionOfAlex)
Not Done by Sicx
and on the last day by Poetryman
my tribute to dark by nagasaki (pittyfulmind)
why hope by drone
Remebrance of my death by fallen-outcast (Ema Rayne)

Poets I Follow
