
Lost Thinker
United Kingdom
Read Poems (20)
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Member Since 18th November 2012
driversoft joined 4328 days ago and last visited 2968 days ago
Comments 23
Forum Posts 8
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Poet Introduction

A somewhat eclectic wordsmith, with tastes that encompass anything from the satirical to the erotic. I've always admired the power of the written and spoken word, and consequently love it throughout its many incarnations.

Favorite Poets/Writers

Tony Harrison, Jasper Fforde, Terry Pratchett

About Me

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What can I say? There's probably never been a single word that can describe me, although 'hyperpolysyllabicsesquipedalianist' probably comes close! I'm English, but currently living in NI, and have enjoyed playing with words from a remarkably early age. An Anglophile, linguaphile, technophile and retrophile, I somehow embody skillsets that straddle both the Arts and the Sciences. I've yet to locate a match, but that doesn't mean I've given up lighting fires!

My Reading List

Gentlemanly Appeal by NimmieAmee

Poets I Follow
