dmccartan (Dave McCartan)

Lost Thinker
1awards United States
Read Poems (7)
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Member Since 21st November 2011
dmccartan joined 4632 days ago and last visited 2750 days ago
Comments 42
Forum Posts 11
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Poet Introduction

Favorite Poets/Writers

George R.R. Martin, Anthony Bourdain, Steven King, Hunter S. Thompson, Quentin Tarantino

About Me

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I am not a poet, I have only written 3 in my life so far. 2 of which have been in the last 2 weeks. I can see just how inexperienced and clueless I am by reading some of the other works on this site. If anyone has any insite for me or constructive criticism feel free to set my ass straight. All the shit I write makes sence 2 me at least . If someone eles in my shoes can relate that's awesome.  I definitly want to be a writer...not necessarily a poet but I am enjoying getting all of this shit off my chest...maybe something i write might help somebody stay clean ...maybe something i read might help me stay clean. these are some of the reasons i am here in the first place. this creative outlet is a form of redemption for me i quess.

My Reading List

The Crufixion Procession by casperandsoup
I miss my methadone by crimsin (Unveiling)
Addicted To Ink by crimsin (Unveiling)
Forgiveness by megovoni (Meghan)

Poets I Follow
