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Poet Introduction
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edger allem poe /robert frost/gerard way/(me hehe)About Me
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Introduction is needed I suppose ..... my name is Jamie or Nicole as most would call me. I'm still a minor with the mentality of a 25 year old.. I usually get along better with adults than my own peers though I can interact with them. though most I choose not to since they behave no better than a spoiled toddler. I've been writing since I was thirteen it helped me coop with my environment or any that I do encounter and may not enjoy all to well. I usually don't have a problem with any one until they show me they cant be trusted or how the act other than that i'm accepting to all walks of life. If you wish to have a conversation with me the message button is right there.
My Reading List
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A subtance that I miss
by Atropabelladonna (Atro)
For You I Live
by Amandaa (Manda)
Lost Love
by evanesence318
What Is Love
by evanesence318
Worst Nightmare
by schizodude (a voice from the void)
by hallowman69
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darken_hearts (venom love)
Thought Provoker