
Strange Creature
United States
Read Poems (3)
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Member Since 1st October 2012
berkums joined 4535 days ago and last visited 4532 days ago
Comments 3
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Poet Introduction

Wishes always leaving when they go a hole is sewn, their hands constrain the roam- -ing of the heart

Favorite Poets/Writers

Emily Dickinson, T.S. Eliot, Robert Frost, Edgar Allen Poe,

About Me

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say "please", and owe me.
say "thanks", I'll own ya.
"you'd better", and I won't
"I wouldn't.", but I might.
"I can't" don't catch me
and "just fine" is a plea
but what I really wanna hear
is how I chase all of your fears
from outside the covers that protect you
for all I ever needed was to be mistreated
yet still to pass unscratched or sightly
scarred from the line of light that is you
to the sighting of my marrow
I wanna be beautiful beyond the earth
and even during my last breath,
I want to be invincible.