
Lost Thinker
United States
Read Poems (18)
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Birthday 25th April
Relationship Status Single
Member Since 20th January 2011
armandbloodstone joined 4996 days ago and last visited 1917 days ago
Comments 9
Forum Posts 18
Group Posts 0

Poet Introduction

i am new to the writeings of poetry and am looking mabey one day of putting together a book of poems and would love for comments on improvments on mine i always say that there is always room for improvment

Favorite Poets/Writers

Robert Frost, Edger Allen Poe.

About Me

Read Full
I have been submitting poems on here for quite a while and i have been reading the comments that have been made on my poems and i feel that they have inspired me to be a better poet and to keep writing and keep an honest mind and see what flows through thank you everyone who has helped me be the poet i am.

My Reading List

A gift not so great. by praumbeiloa

Poets I Follow
