anthonyeastman (Damon Orion)

Lost Thinker
United States
Read Poems (20)
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Birthday 2nd February
Member Since 13th September 2014
anthonyeastman joined 3840 days ago and last visited 923 days ago
Comments 32
Forum Posts 12
Group Posts 0

Poet Introduction

I'm an old soul traveling the world again trying to find my muse.

Favorite Poets/Writers

I have no true favorites. If I like a poem or story it has nothing to do with the writer.

About Me

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I was told many years ago that I am an old soul sent back to wander the earth again, in fact I've been asked to leave many Tarot shops and Wiccan stores because of the energies and shadows that follow follow me. I started writing when I was very young and spent my adolescence organizing them and filing them away. I don't possess any of my first writings cuz my parental guardian destroyed them while I was in boot camp claiming they were the words of the Devil. The poems and stories I wrote after that were consumed in a house fire and until recently I had given up on writing believing that I wasn't meant to do so. Every once in a while I'll find a notebook with some scribbled down words and I mostly don't remember them. As of lately I have tried getting back in touch with the person I used to be and started a journal and have been coming here to try to work out what's hiding inside. Your thoughts comments and suggestions are always welcome.

My Reading List

Close to death by Chicana
Ivory Mind Fuck by PandoraUnleashed
Glowing Strangers by Nova_north
DEADLY DESIRES by shesdemented
Raped. by shesdemented

Poets I Follow

All Poets I Follow (10)