
Lost Thinker
United States
Read Poems (33)
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Member Since 31st January 2011
amandaraeho joined 5166 days ago and last visited 3983 days ago
Comments 14
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Poet Introduction

I like to express my thoughts as they are happening through poetry. I try not to analyze my words and go with the flow of my churning brain even if sometimes it doesn't seem to make sense.

Favorite Poets/Writers

Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Anne Rice, Dante

About Me

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In a nutshell--I married the one true love of my life..I was also at the same time, diagnosed with Bipolar II disorder. I am at times a very dark and moody person with morbid thoughts of suicide and darkness consuming me (to be dramatic about it).

Or I can be a very manically energetic, VERY sexual sort of person and I think that shows through my poetry. Also, random but, my husband and I are in an open relationship and so that explains any references to other sexual escapades with men or women. Writing is an outlet for me and one that I wish to share with others.

My Reading List

The Hood of His Car (A Little Bi-curious Series) by lashawnscott92 (Visual Lyricist)
Whispering "More" by Salamander
Impulsive Indulgences by Daisy_Kyriss
taste by mrorgasm81