XxDark_AngelxX (Princess Britton)

Strange Creature
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Age 14
Relationship Status Single
Member Since 4th March 2010
XxDark_AngelxX joined 5459 days ago and last visited 5428 days ago
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About Me

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I'm anti-social, a boring person, not interesting, not friendly, dominant, sometimes pessimist, kinda bipolar, a happy person and atheist. Everything that i said, is true, you probably doesn't know me as well to hate me. To be honest i don't care what happens around me. I don't know why, but i love gossips! I don't like immature people, n00bs, fights and troubles j/k.. I don't have friends, and i'm starting to think that "friends" aren't for me, i'm like made to be always alone. Anyway, i agree that sometimes i'm hypocrite, and really biotchy, and i do things that i don't want to do to the people. I hate people that think they're always right and perfect, that's sick. I really hate bitter people, oh well, i have to admit that i'm kinda embittered. Anyway, i do know four languages, spanish & english japanese & french as can you see, but i don't speak french quite gud yet. I don't trust anybody. I don't like to tell my flaws. Nobody know my dirty secret. People get bored of me because probably they think i disappointment them but the thing is that i don't care because my life doesn't end there. I always feel rejected and that everyone's against me. I'm not talkative. I'm always doing something. I love to laugh and jokes, some people says that i can't stop laughing. I'm always asking for the why. I'm kinda curious. I'm not homophobic. I hate the drama queens, they're so stupid. I don't like to share things. I want to be millionaire and famous. I fucking love the new advance technology. I'm a kind of biotch but some people doesn't see that from me. I want a lot of stuff, i get obsessed with things, the more i get, more i want. I make addictive the stuff, food, drinks or/and people and they finish boring me, that's why i don't drink. I have my own style. I would like to change the world, being something interesting. Anyway, get to know me biotch, if you want my msn yahoo bebo facebook ect or my phone number to text, just ask for it. Thanks for reading xD bye