
Strange Creature
United States
Read Poems (6)
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Relationship Status Other
Member Since 7th January 2011
Wicked_JESSter joined 5162 days ago and last visited 5148 days ago
Comments 10
Forum Posts 6
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About Me

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I am the girl who dances in the rain.
I am the girl who tries to please everyone in vain.
I am the girl who keeps to herself through the night.
I am the girl who continues to fight.
I am the girl who fears being alone.
I am the girl visiting each headstone.
I am the girl who loves to dream.
I am the girl who can fall apart at the seam.
I am the girl who tries to remain strong.
I am the girl who will choose even if it's wrong.
I am the girl who has lost but will alway gain.
I am the girl who has known and seen pain.
I am the girl who will remain true, til the end.
I am the girl willing to be a friend.
It is I, a girl, who will fight as long as I stand.
It's just who I am.