
Lost Thinker
United States
Read Poems (19)
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Member Since 24th February 2018
Timeternal joined 2574 days ago and last visited 6 days ago
Comments 36
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Poet Introduction

I guess I can say that the rhymes I create Originate in the soul or the brain Or maybe they come from another plane whatever the case, I hope you embrace This infinite space in a miniscule place

Favorite Poets/Writers

Stephen King, Dean Koontz, Bentley Little, Rod Serling, Edgar Allen Poe, H P Lovecraft, Jason Pargin

About Me

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Hello and greetings. Everyone calls me Matthew Morris. I grew up with a single parent and brother. Always had lots of, how to say, adverse times growing up due to the fact that my mother is a mentally Ill struggling poet that it seems is universally misunderstood. Only real friend growing up was my bro and I obviously got my love of rhymes from my mother. Admittedly, I love to read but haven't really read a lot of poetry in my life, for me it was always music and song lyrics. The deeper the story the better. I was introduced to the song "subterranean homesick blues" by my mom at around the age of five and I think this memory shaped my entire life dream. Or at least what I feel I was always meant to do. When she played that song she told me she could never catch all the words and the tiny me got it, very fast too. It became a talent/passion of mine, I guess. I discovered I have a gift with memorising words. I don't think I ever really focused on it cuz of my own personal problems with family and such and struggled with crippling insecurities when people that knew me always told me I was funny and talented. Then I met Linda and my life changed forever... You and Mason turned me into my true self and whatever comes of this I owe it all to you. Suffice it to say Ive always had the dream  of entertaining people in one way or another since around the age of five. I've been reading copiously and writing since around the same age. I always wanted to perform my writing in some way though. As a child I would dream of acting and singing so I became very theatrical and still am. I just love to write and entertain and wanna share it with the world...
Never been a better time than right now

Poets I Follow

All Poets I Follow (7)