
Lost Thinker
Read Poems (6)
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Member Since 14th July 2015
Subvene joined 3536 days ago and last visited 564 days ago
Comments 7
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About Me

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Well, I'm a highschool drop out.. I have 2 out of 4 English credits.. was never really good at this stuff. I know nothing about poems. It wasn't until recently I've even attempted to write with meaning.

I know my writing structure is bad, and I know my vocabulary isn't the best. But it's all I have, and it's what I'm going to give.

I use writing to release some stress in my life. I was recently diagnosed with epilepsy, which eventually also turned into anxiety. I want to start writing to explain to others how i feel, without just having to burden other people. I want it to become an art. Perhaps it will allow me to relax more in life.. I hope anyways.

My Reading List

no need to ask by Fillenatrix