
Strange Creature
United States
Read Poems (5)
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Birthday 7th December
Relationship Status Single
Member Since 23rd October 2012
SpirituallyLED joined 4351 days ago and last visited 4217 days ago
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Poet Introduction

I am an ambassador for Christ, everything else is irrelevant. Feel me...

About Me

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I been through allot, however, God as gotten me out allot. I can always look back on my past without a problem. But, I refuse to re-live it. I was a liar, cheater, manipulator, and so on. If I sat here and typed some cheesy script on this "About Me" box describing how cool I am or (the now distorted term) "real I am". I wouldn't be...I would be more artificial than the crap we stuff in our mouths. After driving from the drive-thru, straight into the parking lot space at Burger King or Taco Bell on a Friday or Saturday night, high or drunk off my butt coming from the club. On the contrary, I can say, through Christ I am not who I use to be. I no longer have to lie, cheat, steal or even manipulate to get what I want in life for God is my provider. As much as He is my judge and following everything I do. Especially upon receiving the Holy Ghost which comes a great responsibility with a life-time amount of objectives. So...about me? I am an ambassador for Christ, everything else is irrelevant. Amen.