SLynn22 (SarahLynn)

Lost Thinker
United States
Read Poems (3)
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Member Since 29th November 2011
SLynn22 joined 4683 days ago and last visited 3662 days ago
Comments 32
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Poet Introduction

I'm new to writing poetry, I'm just trying it out. I used to read a lot of poetry when I was a teenager, but didn't write much.

About Me

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I'm 26 years old and I'm engaged to a wonderful man! We have 4 amazing kids, they are my whole world! Jacob is 2 and a half, Anna is 5, Camrynn is 7, and my stepson Darian is about to be 12. I'm a stay at home Mom and I enjoy it very much!

My Reading List

I Am. by Tashaa_is_dead (Natasha)

Poets I Follow
