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IMPORTANT MESSAGE: My sincere apologies for having neglected this account for so long! University, job hunting, prolonged illness for which I'm still being treated, and my own personal blog have distracted me greatly, but I will endeavour to pay more attention and effort to this account from now on, and rejoin the Deep Underground Poetry community.
Konnichiwa! I'm Rachel Louise Jones, a writer and performance poet. I consider my poetry to be surreal, ambiguous, and full of imagery and fantasy, mixed with introspective observations, my thoughts and true feelings I otherwise have trouble voicing. Over time I shall post my poems, oldest to newest, on the site.
Follow me on my blog:
I have had poetry and flash fiction published in the past, I make semi-regular performances at poetry readings and open mic nights in London, and I have even collaborated with musician Howard Billington, recording my poem, "Hiding From The Sun", to his own music.
Konnichiwa! I'm Rachel Louise Jones, a writer and performance poet. I consider my poetry to be surreal, ambiguous, and full of imagery and fantasy, mixed with introspective observations, my thoughts and true feelings I otherwise have trouble voicing. Over time I shall post my poems, oldest to newest, on the site.
Follow me on my blog:
I have had poetry and flash fiction published in the past, I make semi-regular performances at poetry readings and open mic nights in London, and I have even collaborated with musician Howard Billington, recording my poem, "Hiding From The Sun", to his own music.
Rae_Louise_Jones (Rachel Louise Jones)
Strange Creature