
Lost Thinker
United States
Read Poems (3)
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Birthday 2nd August
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Member Since 16th June 2016
Queen_Lyte joined 2963 days ago and last visited 3 days ago
Comments 44
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Poet Introduction

Part-time poet that explore erotic poetry and dark poetry. I love to alter the mind of real world. I used write my either my experience or fantasy. But now I have different methods.

Favorite Poets/Writers

Edgar Allen Poe

About Me

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Married with a son. Pre-School teacher, so expect some dirty nursery rhymes or kinky settings soon. LEO all the time. I have to be both aggressive in my works but also be submissive when needed. I like to work with others on providing mind altering experiences. I have writing since 2007 and I only get better with time.

My Reading List

Full Reading List
Good Sex Waiting by CasketSharpe
Sex and Work by CasketSharpe
Sensual seduction by themadpoet1974
Make Daddy Proud by CasketSharpe

Poets I Follow
