
Lost Thinker
United States
Read Poems (10)
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Member Since 31st July 2011
NormalGnome joined 4987 days ago and last visited 4648 days ago
Comments 19
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Poet Introduction

Poetry for me is a little joke project that I wok on if the mood strikes me, so don't suspect anything with real thought or frequency out of me. Almost all of my poems are witty dick jokes expect for the ones that aren't.

Favorite Poets/Writers

David Wong, Ben Croshaw,

About Me

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I write short stories and sometimes little comedy poems. I'm trying to focus on a main project at the moment but keep on getting sidetracked by new ideas. I also give Grade D literary advice, and can tell you things about your work that you already know.

I'm not going to call this constructive criticism, because that would imply that I was had something worth listening to, or that I know what the hell I'm talking about. With that said this obviously allows me the ability to say anything I want to about other's works, and not expect to be judged in any way shape or form.

Also, Fuck Walt Whitman, he knows what he did.

My Reading List

Cutting Ties by daggerguns (.......................)

Poets I Follow
