
Strange Creature
New Zealand
Read Poems (6)
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Age 48
Member Since 9th July 2016
Mistywench joined 3110 days ago and last visited 3080 days ago
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Poet Introduction

Sometimes I just need to throw words at a page, much like Gandalf lighting pinecones and throwing them at worrying wargs

About Me

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If you are reading this....well then I guess there is no need to say hello as you are already here!
I am a woman of fire and heart, and have been thrown a life that has been both agony and ecstasy, yet never dull.
I am grateful for the laughter, for it has given my heart a joy that is constant, and I am grateful for the tears, as they have grown me in character and depth.

I am not a particularly gifted writer, a lot of my poetry in fact is centered around one of my passions, the BDSM lifestyle, which I make no apology for, but I am more potently a musician, singer and songwriter, which essentially is just poetry set to music is it not!

Warmest thoughts and regards to all, please do not hesitate to say hello, but have some grace for a beginner at this

Misty xxxx

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