
Strange Creature
United States
Read Poems (2)
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Member Since 26th October 2021
MicaLove joined 1070 days ago and last visited 549 days ago
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About Me

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Where I’m From

I am from “I love you”’s even if I’m going right down the street.
I am from don’t tell your business.
Stay true to you.
From laugh together and reminisce about good ole times.
I am from Southern cooking.
I am from “Ooo baby you getting a little thin, let me go fix you a plate.”
I am from quiet but loud.
I am from comfortable.
I am from expressing how I feel.
I am from speaking ALWAYS.
Spending holidays together and always giving even though it might be all you have.
I am from loving vibes and appreciating your presence.
I am from be patient.
From everything happens for a reason.
I am from have faith, God is making a way for you.
The early Sunday morning services and quickly getting home to finish dinner and watch Hallmark, Law & Order, westerns, etc.
I am from your education comes first.
I am from change is good.
I am from growing spiritually, mentally, physically, and emotionally everyday.
I am from loving me.
I am from these moments.
A leaf.
Always changing according to plan.
Parts of me might die but I come back beautiful as ever.
I am from strong, beautiful, Black, White, Asian, Native American women.