Just_Beyond_Reach (Katie)

Lost Thinker
United States
Read Poems (9)
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Birthday 8th January
Relationship Status Taken
Member Since 30th January 2012
Just_Beyond_Reach joined 4801 days ago and last visited 2522 days ago
Comments 24
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Poet Introduction

I write about my life. It's as simple as that. If that isn't what one may consider to be a poet then maybe I'm just a girl that likes to rhyme beautiful words. Whatever I am, I love it and hate it all the same.

Favorite Poets/Writers

William Shakespeare, Edgar Allen Poe, Robert Frost, Jeanette Walls, James Patterson, and J.K Rowling

About Me

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I am just a person that enjoys doing the things most people don't. There isn't really one way to describe me so maybe I can through poetry. I have seen my mother die right before my eyes, and I have lost friends to suicide... Overall, one can say that I've lived quite a tragic life. Death has always been close to me, and I can't quite seem to escape it. The results of my witnessing these events have taken a great toll on my life. I have somehow learned to overcome the struggles of self-harm, although I have relapsed in the past and have many scars that remain with me. I have fought with depression, suicidal thoughts and tendencies, guilt, anxiety, and loneliness. I am an in-the-closet pansexual (only 4 people know), and I am a learning Wiccan. I'm obsessed with body modification and plan on getting many piercings and tattoos as soon as I'm done with high school. These poems are my thoughts and feelings, and I hope you enjoy them.

My Reading List

Full Reading List
Let me be by brokeninside2024 (Gabby.S2378)
Goodbye dear friend by brokeninside2024 (Gabby.S2378)
What my mother means to me by brokeninside2024 (Gabby.S2378)
A Thought by HidingFromMe
Beautiful Laughter by LycanLupus

Poets I Follow

All Poets I Follow (9)