Jenerator (Jenna)

Twisted Dreamer
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Age 18
Relationship Status Taken
Member Since 26th August 2009
Jenerator joined 5665 days ago and last visited 5261 days ago
Comments 106
Forum Posts 103
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About Me

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Im a very down-to-earth and a very lame (in the best way possible) type of person. Upon meeting people, I would never judge you unless you give me a reason to. I do expect the same considerations from you though. I love myself for who I am. I'm not perfect but pffft...who is? So please don't treat me bad for my flaws, because you have just as many, if not, then more.
Bass guitar is my adaption.
I'm a pretty nice person. I'm random, and hardly get embarrassed.
I consider all the lame people in the world, to be cool people. It takes guts to be lame, and guts are sweet!
Name me anything you like, I am only ever going to be me, lame (and yes, I am suggesting that I am cool, along with anyone else who will admit they sleep with a Yoshi teddy bear). Its who I am, I laugh when I want, I wear what I want, I have my beliefs. I listen to a wide variety of music. Im a genuine awesome person, real easy to get along with and great for advice

Anyways, thats a nutshell