Twisted Dreamer
United States
Read Poems (20)
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Member Since 22nd October 2012
J-D-E joined 4513 days ago and last visited 4502 days ago
Comments 58
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Poet Introduction

Mostly Rhyming poetry. Some prose. Many Christ centered poems. I don't shy away from the darker aspect of life though. Even a few children poems.

Favorite Poets/Writers

William Shatner, King Solomon, Myself

About Me

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No formal teaching in poetry. High School dropout.
I currently live and work on a farm in southwestern Michigan

I discovered I had a gift for rhyming words to express my emotions or thoughts at the age of 15.
Never wrote another poem for another five years until the depression made me unemployed for a long time. This gave me undo time on my hands. Needing an outlet I began to write poetry whenever I was board.

Now I write poetry because I love it. I love the beauty of words, the way that a single word can mean so many other things just on context alone.
Words or funny things; I cant spell to save my life, but I feel them deep in my bones. In a place I know but can't see. And despite my deficiencies I tread on.

My Reading List

Snake and boy by Donchonorgo (Louis Lee Warner)
The Day by Kurdt94 (Mike K.)
COME SWIM WITH ME by Solomon_Song

Poets I Follow
