IlOgIcAL_L_O_G_I_C (Illogical Logic)

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Member Since 23rd April 2013
IlOgIcAL_L_O_G_I_C joined 4342 days ago and last visited 4311 days ago
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Poet Introduction

Sometimes I don't understand the poetry I write. Somehow those are the times others understand them the best.

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About Me

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My illogical logic will completely destroy the illogical logic that you find so logical until there is no more logic to be illogical or not.

When asked to talk about myself is when I want to talk about myself the least.

If I I converse with you and you find yourself confused, it is because your brain has shrunk to fit in with society, or because I'm confusing.
Or both.
Or none at all, in which case you were able to have a conversation with me, I applaud at your feat! A rare few can actually speak to me without the thought of "She makes no sense at all." I know this because I am a brilliant mind reader. Or because I'm guessing.

That is the joy of illogical logic! Being sure but not quite of whatever you may or may not be speaking!

Am I rambling? Of course! Will I stop? Ah, but never.


I'm not quite sure if eureka fits there, but I really do love that word! I also love exclamation marks! Aren't they fascinating?! They are so exciting!

I've said too much! Back to the shadows for those who hide, I'm going to lay in the light of the moon!

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