
Strange Creature
United States
Read Poems (9)
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Age 30
Relationship Status Taken
Member Since 22nd November 2017
Helena_Sky joined 2679 days ago and last visited 2675 days ago
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About Me

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Well, let's see here. I'm Helena Sky. Yes, this is just a pen name. It is also the pen name I plan to publish under when I finally finish me books. I'm an aspiring author that writes poetry, short stories, and attempts to write novels. I also do text based role-playing.

I've been writing since I was around 10 years old when I wrote my first poem. This was a little catastrophic for me since despite the fact that I was so proud of what I'd done, the school guidance counselor called a conference with my parents to try and figure out if I was contemplating suicide.

My poems and short stories tend to be a reflection of how I'm feeling when I write them. I express my inner workings through words and display my thoughts through my characters and their actions.

Anyways. If you have any questions, feel free to ask