AlexDaniel (Demonic Angel)

Lost Thinker
United States
Read Poems (26)
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Birthday 2nd June
Relationship Status Single
Member Since 17th February 2013
AlexDaniel joined 4238 days ago and last visited 3169 days ago
Comments 10
Forum Posts 2
Group Posts 0

Poet Introduction

I might be me, but I might be you, who are you? but you can't be me. Alex is the name, pain is my game.

Favorite Poets/Writers

William Blake, Edgar Allen Poe, and Randall Jarrel

About Me

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My writing says more about me the any simple introduction can.

My Reading List

Full Reading List
London on a tight schedule by Mitochondrial (Will lou White)
A Curse by FishCake
I Need Your Whole Heart & Soul by JohnVincent (JVD)
Cold by Kingdom-darkness
Dreams?? by dathrill
The Contract by scopow77 (Scot Powers)