Aldolpho (Keegan-David)

Strange Creature
United States
Read Poems (4)
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Member Since 3rd May 2011
Aldolpho joined 4889 days ago and last visited 4146 days ago
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Poet Introduction

I love to write dark poetry, but until now, I also wrote numerous love poems, including a poem to ask a girl to prom... but mostly just dark stuff about life and what not. I write some fiction, some nonfiction, the rest is for you to decipher.

Favorite Poets/Writers

Cheyenne Dover

About Me

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I sing and I act. That is about it. Honestly, I often find that when life throughs a curveball, I tend to swing... and miss. Anyways, I'm me and although I don't quite know who that is yet, I hope that you enjoy my poetry.

Poets I Follow
