Poems About Women by Top Critiquers
Sexual Freedom!

216 reads
history called celestial faces
Eons ago
I saw your countenance
cadenced by a candle
transmuted embers
sleeper you have beckoned me
wider wiser deeper
for a moment
we stopped
looking through
a lulling luring lens
I ask you to begin
let go, let go
apple of my eyes
dark forlorn forgiving
our dream bodies
billowed around...
I saw your countenance
cadenced by a candle
transmuted embers
sleeper you have beckoned me
wider wiser deeper
for a moment
we stopped
looking through
a lulling luring lens
I ask you to begin
let go, let go
apple of my eyes
dark forlorn forgiving
our dream bodies
billowed around...
93 reads
and, when a gender is in it's tenacious transcendence~
607 reads
Women are allowed to break oaths
professions sewn from hope
burn bridges to the ground
to make room for what counts
The problem with violence
is that it captures attention—
making it effective
When our bodies vibrate into action
we reach for reason
to hypnotize us
into balanced numbness
In my domestic violence exhibit
at the local library
one victim had written: ...
Women are allowed to break oaths
professions sewn from hope
burn bridges to the ground
to make room for what counts
The problem with violence
is that it captures attention—
making it effective
When our bodies vibrate into action
we reach for reason
to hypnotize us
into balanced numbness
In my domestic violence exhibit
at the local library
one victim had written: ...
#feminism #DomesticViolence
#feminism #DomesticViolence
564 reads
delicate vision to fell a beauty
lilting passions do amuse
creating lovely landscapes to crave
in the innermost sanctum desire
intimate love advanced and a secret passion grew
lingering doubts did ensue
but favor over a suitor quenched fires of renown
where a lass question everything she knew
for her lover true
who in good stead did understand his trespass
but could not withstand his need
on one tempest night his chastity foiled by the dame
so enraptured with each other they gave in
a night of temptuous lust...
lilting passions do amuse
creating lovely landscapes to crave
in the innermost sanctum desire
intimate love advanced and a secret passion grew
lingering doubts did ensue
but favor over a suitor quenched fires of renown
where a lass question everything she knew
for her lover true
who in good stead did understand his trespass
but could not withstand his need
on one tempest night his chastity foiled by the dame
so enraptured with each other they gave in
a night of temptuous lust...
87 reads
Our Padded Bra
will take you far,
each breast held up
in C/D cup,
Giving a view,
between your two,
of firm roundness
in low-cut dress.
will take you far,
each breast held up
in C/D cup,
Giving a view,
between your two,
of firm roundness
in low-cut dress.
136 reads
When you Gotta change
Through this life time whether you think that you, don't need to change, but yet in reality you do, whether woman to man and man to woman, for let's look at this time to really analyze, the facts as the truth. For sure how many times have you lost a job and found another one to help in a situation, that is out of our hands and control. BUT yet you chosen to fall apart, with changes of raw and uncut mental health actions, of screaming and yelling things that will affect not you alone but us as well as the depression slowly takes control. BUT then yet you start realize that is not changing, our...
66 reads
Nude Nuts
I'm not a huge fan of body hair
So I shave my head and
I shave down there
I shave my face
My back and my chest
But my fave shaved spot
Is where I'm a guest.
The lips below her hips.
So I shave my head and
I shave down there
I shave my face
My back and my chest
But my fave shaved spot
Is where I'm a guest.
The lips below her hips.
71 reads
Women Ask Men to Scoot Over
Usually it's in bed
Reluctantly of course we move
Often we'd like to stay where we are
Men never use the word SCOOT
That's a female word all the way
I read this to her
She asks me what I'm trying to prove
I tell her I don't like the SCOOT word
How come she asks
I tell her that she's more fun close by
She's quiet for a moment
Then tells me to SCOOT
Reluctantly of course we move
Often we'd like to stay where we are
Men never use the word SCOOT
That's a female word all the way
I read this to her
She asks me what I'm trying to prove
I tell her I don't like the SCOOT word
How come she asks
I tell her that she's more fun close by
She's quiet for a moment
Then tells me to SCOOT
260 reads
Spock Sings a Sapphic

#men #women
#men #women
134 reads

476 reads
Broken Girl
at first it looks like
i'm a confident and
independent lady
while deep inside
there is this lonely
little girl who has
never felt loved
at times all that
she wants is for
someone to take
her hand, guide
her and lead her
through the battle
fields called life
show her the way
protect her tell her
she'll be okay, that
she's safe, that she
is and will always be
perfect exactly as she is
i'm a confident and
independent lady
while deep inside
there is this lonely
little girl who has
never felt loved
at times all that
she wants is for
someone to take
her hand, guide
her and lead her
through the battle
fields called life
show her the way
protect her tell her
she'll be okay, that
she's safe, that she
is and will always be
perfect exactly as she is
399 reads
DU Poetry : Poems About Women by Top Critiquers