Mothers Day Seeking Honest Critique Poems
In Too Deep
Too deep to go back
Down below the sea swimming with the
Fish I’ve never seen I must be in the deep
They look at us like we don’t belong here
But we’re in too deep to go back the
Pressure reading seems to be going super high
He reports they say the temp can rise a little bit
We’re in the missile bay surrounded by
Bombs that will blow up the Ocean
I say a prayer my buddy says I don’t believe in God
Temps rise a bomb goes off we torpedoed our own sub
Too deep to go back
Down below the sea swimming with the
Fish I’ve never seen I must be in the deep
They look at us like we don’t belong here
But we’re in too deep to go back the
Pressure reading seems to be going super high
He reports they say the temp can rise a little bit
We’re in the missile bay surrounded by
Bombs that will blow up the Ocean
I say a prayer my buddy says I don’t believe in God
Temps rise a bomb goes off we torpedoed our own sub
#Easter #MothersDay
#Easter #MothersDay
90 reads
A Mother's Execution
November, 2023
On a cold November morning, only days after we celebrated Mother’s Day, I was assigned to the firing squad. I watched as a young Ukrainian woman, accused of criticizing our army, face death. Only afterwards did I learn she was in the early months of pregnancy. Prison doctors had withheld this information from us but it leaked after we had completed our task.
It's a weight I can't shake. How could we, in the name of duty, take a life so recklessly? She was just a girl with a voice, silenced by our guns. I've taken not just her life, but the life of an...
On a cold November morning, only days after we celebrated Mother’s Day, I was assigned to the firing squad. I watched as a young Ukrainian woman, accused of criticizing our army, face death. Only afterwards did I learn she was in the early months of pregnancy. Prison doctors had withheld this information from us but it leaked after we had completed our task.
It's a weight I can't shake. How could we, in the name of duty, take a life so recklessly? She was just a girl with a voice, silenced by our guns. I've taken not just her life, but the life of an...
186 reads
1 Comment
My daughter.
My purple rose.
You are going to have trials
And tribulations.
You are going to have sincere
Smiles and adorations.
You will give your love freely
And it affects you deeply.
Your tears will fall with
Seemingly no end.
The night will call to you
Looking for you to bend.
What I will say to you
With all my heart.
There is reason for you
From the very start.
I needed to love.
I needed to heal.
I needed your...
My purple rose.
You are going to have trials
And tribulations.
You are going to have sincere
Smiles and adorations.
You will give your love freely
And it affects you deeply.
Your tears will fall with
Seemingly no end.
The night will call to you
Looking for you to bend.
What I will say to you
With all my heart.
There is reason for you
From the very start.
I needed to love.
I needed to heal.
I needed your...
81 reads
Mother's Day
What happens when your heart skips a beat?
You loose your breath...
You are breathing in quick deep breaths...
Almost hyperventilating....
It comes to you in a flash
You remember the good times
The boat rides in Uhuru Park, the pedaling..
The trips to the pwani beaches
All courtesy of Mother dearest
Yet lingers the pain of times lived in the slums
Times of being thrown out of rented homes
Of landlords big padlocks on the door
Or using blacksmiths to weld and shut entry
Yet sometimes had to innovate and use neighbor's doors to...
You loose your breath...
You are breathing in quick deep breaths...
Almost hyperventilating....
It comes to you in a flash
You remember the good times
The boat rides in Uhuru Park, the pedaling..
The trips to the pwani beaches
All courtesy of Mother dearest
Yet lingers the pain of times lived in the slums
Times of being thrown out of rented homes
Of landlords big padlocks on the door
Or using blacksmiths to weld and shut entry
Yet sometimes had to innovate and use neighbor's doors to...
183 reads
Happy Mother's Day
Please son take my hand
You will soon find out the truth
I'm not your mother
You will soon find out the truth
I'm not your mother
#MothersDay #son
#MothersDay #son
139 reads
Nation Birthers
Your nurturing natures motivate
Providing love in a world of hate
When others berate, you'll uplift
Bestowing us with a divine gift
Today we lift and exalt you all
Cause you chose to answer the call
Stand tall & be showered with love
Absorb the elation & fly like a dove
Above the clouds of trials & tribulations
Over mole hills & mountains of frustrations
Relaxation is the sole goal of this occasion
For the mothers & birthers of many nations
Providing love in a world of hate
When others berate, you'll uplift
Bestowing us with a divine gift
Today we lift and exalt you all
Cause you chose to answer the call
Stand tall & be showered with love
Absorb the elation & fly like a dove
Above the clouds of trials & tribulations
Over mole hills & mountains of frustrations
Relaxation is the sole goal of this occasion
For the mothers & birthers of many nations
190 reads
I suspect that's what you want from me
stillness and resigned wait for your gaze
or the sound of your sinister breathing
when you are killing a chicken or rabbit
when you fill your hands with dirty red
irremovable, irremediable, intravenous
when you slowly remove fur and feathers
when you dismember very small beings
methodically, morbidly, histologically
you prepare and serve any sweet dinner
and so we eat everything you make calmly
and so you feed me from everything you do
and so I digest everything you put on the table
stillness and resigned wait for your gaze
or the sound of your sinister breathing
when you are killing a chicken or rabbit
when you fill your hands with dirty red
irremovable, irremediable, intravenous
when you slowly remove fur and feathers
when you dismember very small beings
methodically, morbidly, histologically
you prepare and serve any sweet dinner
and so we eat everything you make calmly
and so you feed me from everything you do
and so I digest everything you put on the table
144 reads
Another Dutch/English one:
Er is veel eer gerelateerd geweld
Tegen Syrische vrouwen en meisjes
Mogelijk ook nog femicide
Toch nog sex toerisme reisjes?
Thailand spant de kroon - klinkt morbide
Hoe je als man munt uit hun kruis kunt slaan
Het uithuwelijken is bonafide
Gegadigden komen te voet en gaan
Pijlsnel als ze horen hoeveel geld…..
Beschaving komt al gauw in het nauw
Wie neemt het op voor de Syrische vrouw
There is a lot of honor-related violence ...
Er is veel eer gerelateerd geweld
Tegen Syrische vrouwen en meisjes
Mogelijk ook nog femicide
Toch nog sex toerisme reisjes?
Thailand spant de kroon - klinkt morbide
Hoe je als man munt uit hun kruis kunt slaan
Het uithuwelijken is bonafide
Gegadigden komen te voet en gaan
Pijlsnel als ze horen hoeveel geld…..
Beschaving komt al gauw in het nauw
Wie neemt het op voor de Syrische vrouw
There is a lot of honor-related violence ...
211 reads
The Fortunate Morsel
Mother's Day 2016...Noon: A True Story.
Upon a May morning at breakfast
My lady dined on some scramblege of eggs.
Lovingly blent, so no longer fowl...
She then, with ease, enjoyed the repast.
Then from still drowsy lips fell unchewed dregs,
That stained her blouse and made her scowl.
"Why scowl?" quoth I. "Thy breast was but gently pressed".
Then she said she feared her raiment was wrecked
And tis true that's no way to start the day.
Then I, of the crises, wisely addressed...
"Blame not the morsel upon...
Upon a May morning at breakfast
My lady dined on some scramblege of eggs.
Lovingly blent, so no longer fowl...
She then, with ease, enjoyed the repast.
Then from still drowsy lips fell unchewed dregs,
That stained her blouse and made her scowl.
"Why scowl?" quoth I. "Thy breast was but gently pressed".
Then she said she feared her raiment was wrecked
And tis true that's no way to start the day.
Then I, of the crises, wisely addressed...
"Blame not the morsel upon...
147 reads
Mother's Day
The night before Mother’s Day,
he signed the blank
card and wrote a note before
placing it on mother’s pillow.
She was out, and we had
the house to ourselves.
I opened the note.
“Your daughter’s beauty is your gift to me.
As her mother, you’ve given much more than you should.
I’ll treasure her and am thankful for your trust.”
I signed the card and added,
“Thank you for my life.”
Then I placed the card back on mother’s pillow
before turning to unwrap myself as a...
he signed the blank
card and wrote a note before
placing it on mother’s pillow.
She was out, and we had
the house to ourselves.
I opened the note.
“Your daughter’s beauty is your gift to me.
As her mother, you’ve given much more than you should.
I’ll treasure her and am thankful for your trust.”
I signed the card and added,
“Thank you for my life.”
Then I placed the card back on mother’s pillow
before turning to unwrap myself as a...
436 reads
The Moms Do Know
A celebration of mothers is this Sunday's vibe
encompasses that paternal influence across the spectrum
grandamas, aunts, sister, cousins even neighbors
that have expanded that type of concern to people not of kin
My neighbor who sends food my way
came to the gas station and bailed me out
picked me up from the airport
and watches for strangers coming round
The sister in law who realized something was wrong
and insisted I go to the hospital
Bell's palsy could have been so much worse
and being a CPA, she freely does my...
encompasses that paternal influence across the spectrum
grandamas, aunts, sister, cousins even neighbors
that have expanded that type of concern to people not of kin
My neighbor who sends food my way
came to the gas station and bailed me out
picked me up from the airport
and watches for strangers coming round
The sister in law who realized something was wrong
and insisted I go to the hospital
Bell's palsy could have been so much worse
and being a CPA, she freely does my...
186 reads
Mother's Majesty
Your wombs provided us with shelter
As y'all prepared to become mothers
Cultivators of seeds implanted by man
Lifetime suppliers of helping hands
Demands upon you must weigh a ton
Doesn't matter if daughter or son
You're one in a million and we love you so
To whom much is given; you know how the saying goes
You take life's blows as you raise us up
When feeling empty, you pour from another cup
Your sup serves up sustenance for the soul
To exalt your magnificence is today's goal
Tolls can be hefty on the roads...
As y'all prepared to become mothers
Cultivators of seeds implanted by man
Lifetime suppliers of helping hands
Demands upon you must weigh a ton
Doesn't matter if daughter or son
You're one in a million and we love you so
To whom much is given; you know how the saying goes
You take life's blows as you raise us up
When feeling empty, you pour from another cup
Your sup serves up sustenance for the soul
To exalt your magnificence is today's goal
Tolls can be hefty on the roads...
300 reads
DU Poetry : Mothers Day Seeking Honest Critique Poems