Poems Inspired by Margaret Atwood
Poems inspired by the Canadian poet and writer Margaret Atwood. Here you'll find poetry using the style, themes or characters found in the work of Margaret Atwood. Along with poems about Atwood herself, including praise, criticism and tributes.
A Woman In Parts
All the parts of me are obvious, see:
I consist of a heart in a tight corseted sternum
pressed upward in constant female expansion;
the weighty dreams I hold to
lean into this caving posture.
Womanhood should be
an easy aspiration yet
it holds uncertain things as stones
stuck into mud hold such after it rains
(I know what is there already, that
is the riddle) --
Its metallic taste rises in my mouth
to meet my every desire:
Crumb by crumb,
I see it fall from the air;
the empty air where love ...
I consist of a heart in a tight corseted sternum
pressed upward in constant female expansion;
the weighty dreams I hold to
lean into this caving posture.
Womanhood should be
an easy aspiration yet
it holds uncertain things as stones
stuck into mud hold such after it rains
(I know what is there already, that
is the riddle) --
Its metallic taste rises in my mouth
to meet my every desire:
Crumb by crumb,
I see it fall from the air;
the empty air where love ...
673 reads
The Circle Game
( After Margaret Atwood )
A ringing recess bell—
a door spilling children
onto the playground
as ants fleeing a colony
Each pair of feet
contradict the direction
of the former set
until they encase monkey bars
Most are carefree, but
not all feel the song;
the moving of joy
as blood and freedom's
marrow hardening their bones
Loners, outcasts
introverts, their faces
hollow wells of fear
cold and deep spaces ...
A ringing recess bell—
a door spilling children
onto the playground
as ants fleeing a colony
Each pair of feet
contradict the direction
of the former set
until they encase monkey bars
Most are carefree, but
not all feel the song;
the moving of joy
as blood and freedom's
marrow hardening their bones
Loners, outcasts
introverts, their faces
hollow wells of fear
cold and deep spaces ...
1115 reads
Umbilical cord (Margret Attwood tribute)
Are you still the captured steer
a wild bellow, snot and dust.
Slapped to raise a breath,
branded from your birth.
Still carry the taint of unwashed afterbirth
Echo's from the Vagina's walls
its cloisters, reverberate with joyous pain.
Encore of feelings,
curtains of prolonged sustain.
Frail strength spun in a spiders thread,
and in dawn's rays,
bejewelled in wonderment.
Its span to cover continents
not the inward naval gaze.
The invisible bond inside each mind,
a hug that bends the spine.
a wild bellow, snot and dust.
Slapped to raise a breath,
branded from your birth.
Still carry the taint of unwashed afterbirth
Echo's from the Vagina's walls
its cloisters, reverberate with joyous pain.
Encore of feelings,
curtains of prolonged sustain.
Frail strength spun in a spiders thread,
and in dawn's rays,
bejewelled in wonderment.
Its span to cover continents
not the inward naval gaze.
The invisible bond inside each mind,
a hug that bends the spine.
#family #MargaretAtwood
#family #MargaretAtwood
429 reads
1 Comment
August Interlude
The warm night air sits
still and surrounds
all the ripened stalks
and fully opened flowers;
petals dangling in
a final vitality.
Heavy branches swoon
insect-laden air as lower leaves
begin a first yellowing of many
transitions to come;
hunger abated.
A ground saturated in
summer rain lingers
under plush, trampled
long, strewn grasses.
Songs of summer still
hang suspended in the air
as if exuded from molecules
of all that new life blooming,
bursting forth;
The mellow...
still and surrounds
all the ripened stalks
and fully opened flowers;
petals dangling in
a final vitality.
Heavy branches swoon
insect-laden air as lower leaves
begin a first yellowing of many
transitions to come;
hunger abated.
A ground saturated in
summer rain lingers
under plush, trampled
long, strewn grasses.
Songs of summer still
hang suspended in the air
as if exuded from molecules
of all that new life blooming,
bursting forth;
The mellow...
465 reads
Rabbit Song
I smell that you
are chasing me with your eyes,
and I leave my scent behind
so that you may know the joy of
my leaping / if only for ignorance
of what a stone feels.
My only conquest
is to break the grasses down;
not to diminish them but
encourage them by chewing
their stalks to a pulp.
I eat what nobody wants
and leave their digested remains behind
in your overgrown pasture.
How do I survive;
this is how, and why --
I am light as air, I think,
and the ways of the world don't
are chasing me with your eyes,
and I leave my scent behind
so that you may know the joy of
my leaping / if only for ignorance
of what a stone feels.
My only conquest
is to break the grasses down;
not to diminish them but
encourage them by chewing
their stalks to a pulp.
I eat what nobody wants
and leave their digested remains behind
in your overgrown pasture.
How do I survive;
this is how, and why --
I am light as air, I think,
and the ways of the world don't
503 reads
Blessed be the Fruit
(Parallels of Fictional Tales and Real-World Spells)
There are these men who claim to have more
knowledge over women’s bodies. They issue laws
to have more control over them under the guise of
morality or God and all that that is pure, and so a
plan is formed, but it’s more of an ominous map
that seems to head toward this fictional dystopia
Quoting scriptures, they look to these ancient laws,
to a time when women were stoned to death if
they were caught in the act of fornication or some
other decree that...
There are these men who claim to have more
knowledge over women’s bodies. They issue laws
to have more control over them under the guise of
morality or God and all that that is pure, and so a
plan is formed, but it’s more of an ominous map
that seems to head toward this fictional dystopia
Quoting scriptures, they look to these ancient laws,
to a time when women were stoned to death if
they were caught in the act of fornication or some
other decree that...
#inequality #MargaretAtwood
#inequality #MargaretAtwood
487 reads
For Physicists
( After Margaret Atwood )
Before the embryo
that multicellular organism
something cracked—
the egg, wafting
as cottonwood
a deeply folded
mucosal surface.
A precursor of cells
differentiating themselves
into angioblasts,
giving rise
to a formation;
roadmaps of vessels
and stem cells
into elements.
One ellele
from each parent
contains every ancestor's DNA
before us; conjoined
its own blood and cells
Before the embryo
that multicellular organism
something cracked—
the egg, wafting
as cottonwood
a deeply folded
mucosal surface.
A precursor of cells
differentiating themselves
into angioblasts,
giving rise
to a formation;
roadmaps of vessels
and stem cells
into elements.
One ellele
from each parent
contains every ancestor's DNA
before us; conjoined
its own blood and cells
924 reads
DU Poetry : Poems Inspired by Margaret Atwood
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#MargaretAtwood is curated by Ahavati (Tams).