Least Read Poems About Life Struggles
Least read poems about life struggles. Find an undiscovered masterpiece in the DU Poetry least read poems.
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When we look inside our hearts, I mean really look. What do we see?
What do you see?
I see, my kids, my family and friends
I see, some special people past and present
See great memories, great tragedies and great promise
I see a dusty warehouse full of old dusty and for the most part useless, yet incredibly meaningful things
The Petty Blue bike I bought with my own money
It getting stolen and destroyed by a jealous friend hanging from a tree in a loved past place
My first real kiss(there is at least a chapter or two around...
What do you see?
I see, my kids, my family and friends
I see, some special people past and present
See great memories, great tragedies and great promise
I see a dusty warehouse full of old dusty and for the most part useless, yet incredibly meaningful things
The Petty Blue bike I bought with my own money
It getting stolen and destroyed by a jealous friend hanging from a tree in a loved past place
My first real kiss(there is at least a chapter or two around...
#LifeStruggles #LifeCycle
#LifeStruggles #LifeCycle
20 reads
Empty Glasses
This room full of glasses half full
a closer look reveals each
glass is leaking on its way to
In the darkest corner
an emaciated dog licks
the remnants of lives from
the floor
We used to run in the meadow
hiding in the tall grass
forever friends and first kisses
with a future at arm's length
Now only the sandy grit
gargling the fragments of broken
hourglasses, vomiting only
bloody memories
Am I there on the ground,
a life leaked upon an
unforgiving floor, salvation
a closer look reveals each
glass is leaking on its way to
In the darkest corner
an emaciated dog licks
the remnants of lives from
the floor
We used to run in the meadow
hiding in the tall grass
forever friends and first kisses
with a future at arm's length
Now only the sandy grit
gargling the fragments of broken
hourglasses, vomiting only
bloody memories
Am I there on the ground,
a life leaked upon an
unforgiving floor, salvation
20 reads
The Great Escape Chapter 10, Part 6 of 6
#LifeStruggles #passion
#LifeStruggles #passion
20 reads
The Great Escape Chapter 13, Part 7 of 8
#LifeStruggles #passion
#LifeStruggles #passion
20 reads
The Great Escape Chapter 14, Part 2 of 11
#LifeStruggles #passion
#LifeStruggles #passion
20 reads
The Great Escape Chapter 14, Part 5 of 11
#LifeStruggles #passion
#LifeStruggles #passion
20 reads
The Great Escape Chapter 15, Part 11 of 11
#LifeStruggles #passion
#LifeStruggles #passion
20 reads
New Beginning : A Nature's Call
The thought of you,
Punctured sunshine’ rays,
In the noon,
of a hurricane wave
Ancient lured,
Hostile tried
take over,
the place prepared for
a bright New
against odds,
Time brought,
the calm after a storm
A wish ,
From a kid, a man, a woman
Gazes of dims,
flickers of stars surrounded by night falls,
As the clock tick twelve ,
And six is soon around,
I heard the owl moan - goodbye,
and morning...
Punctured sunshine’ rays,
In the noon,
of a hurricane wave
Ancient lured,
Hostile tried
take over,
the place prepared for
a bright New
against odds,
Time brought,
the calm after a storm
A wish ,
From a kid, a man, a woman
Gazes of dims,
flickers of stars surrounded by night falls,
As the clock tick twelve ,
And six is soon around,
I heard the owl moan - goodbye,
and morning...
21 reads
The precipice beckons invitingly
So easy to fall floating down gently
Like feathers of a goose flying south
Floating gently to earth errantly
Hold fast to common sense
Steel your self change your lenses
Think on lighter times past or future
Let the present permeate defenses
The eternal slumber weighs
Counting any number of days
Add the seconds carry the minutia
Fade to peace in any number of ways
The beginning is the end
And the end the beginning
It was always about the distance ...
So easy to fall floating down gently
Like feathers of a goose flying south
Floating gently to earth errantly
Hold fast to common sense
Steel your self change your lenses
Think on lighter times past or future
Let the present permeate defenses
The eternal slumber weighs
Counting any number of days
Add the seconds carry the minutia
Fade to peace in any number of ways
The beginning is the end
And the end the beginning
It was always about the distance ...
#LifeGoals #hurt
#LifeGoals #hurt
21 reads
The Great Escape Chapter 7, Part 5 of 5
#LifeStruggles #passion
#LifeStruggles #passion
21 reads
The Great Escape Chapter 8, Part 7 of 9
#LifeStruggles #passion
#LifeStruggles #passion
21 reads
The Great Escape Chapter 15, Part 7 of 11
#LifeStruggles #passion
#LifeStruggles #passion
21 reads
DU Poetry : Least Read Poems About Life Struggles