Minds Darkest Breaks

Maybe we think to much, or maybe to little
This world forsaken the thought of what withers around our minds
Circling the path of which to take, yet taking the opposite
The flower blooms to only wither the blood of the lost

The white ghost searches for the one in black, temping to for take
Hovering and seeking, high and low, running and walking
The thoughts surround it, tempting, whispering, warning, crying out
Faster it searches, closer yet farther, desperate

A man of white searching for her of long gone
Haunting she lurks in the shadows of his lost soul, whispering, edging him forward
Silently she watches, his frustration of amuse to her, he cries out whilst she stands with no pity
The power of love holding him down, fury creeping forward
The deed done to her shadows her reasoning, for she felt the blood drain from her body
He couldn't save her, as she turned ice cold taking her last breath of life
His mind clouded, with only one motive
Kill the one who killed his love, who took her breath from her body
The one who slit her throat and left, left her to choke on the blood of one who was once the beauty of a million roses

Things one never would think, making actions from them told by the mind going insane
Words replace the mind with the actions never spoken, ruins from the world so small and simple, fueled by hate
The truth of the past can haunt those of the for told, with lies waiting to become
They whisper to all, lingering in the mist of life and death
Secrets make and break a person to the core of life, yet everyone has them, even the purest of ones

Ignored time and time again, the woman begs and pleads for him back, only to be turned away
Day after day, the heart falls harder and further into the blackened abyss
She asks again, hoping for the chance to change it all, yet is broken down once again
Her mind wonders, coming up with so many reasons
So Many Reasons
Reasons why she has been turned down for what feels of centuries  
Falling harder she sinks to the bottom of the love lake, so far she falls to the top of the lake of hate
It grows larger and larger, enough to fill the oceans
She lays there, floating in the middle, blending, mixing, becoming the ocean
She stands proud, as he falls to his knees, what shes waited for, yet not any more
She walks away never to look back, for so many years she wasted her life
Now the life has drained from her, her mind and endless river of hate

So many things the mind can give, yet only one enters, time to time we all fall down
This world will never see the life it beholds as ones to be given thanks for
Truth stays hidden beneath a fire of lies, burning higher and higher, engulfing all around in the flames
The power of truth out numbers the power of lies, yet is hardly used

Remember not the words spoken, but the actions taken
Words deceive those who don't listen, while actions make the impact
Hold the action to mind, watch it closely, for even words can not tell

A garden of love wilts as this world becomes cold
Ice staining its petals as it hovers inches off the ground
Till only one flower is left of its past memories shown high, encased in ice
Never to wilt, but left inside a shell, shell so hard it can not escape
The ground underneath falls and separates to show a lake of blood as it sinks slowly to the bottom
Shallow at first, slowing sinking further and further as it builds, larger and larger
Lost in the darkness of blood, the flower sinks so far to never be found upon the garden
The garden encased with ice, no one will ever know the beauty it once held
Written by PassionOfVengeance (Jacqueline R)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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