"Fact or Fiction" ... A poem written by Big Virge 8/1/2005

Pay Attention ... !!! ...
to the ... Diction ... !!!
cos my words ...
"Draw" ... Depictions
of Life .... Fact and Fiction ....

It's ... Corrupt politicians ...
who affect ... peoples vision ... !!!

of what's ... Right ... in the world ...
Paedophiles ... with ... Young Girls !!!!!!
or girls with ... Fake Curls ...

But ... they now ... Don't Care ... !!!
cos' ... styling their hair's ...
no different to words ...
We hear ... from ... "Tony Blair" ... ?

Supposedly ... "FACTS" ...
about ... Muslim Attacks ... !!!
or maybe ... he really ...
wants rid ... of us ... Blacks !?!

Now ... i'm not a Muslim ... !!!
Those words are a ... FACT .... !!!

cos' ... FAITH ... it would seem ... ?
is what ... they now ... "Lack" ...

My view on this matter
is get back to ... MECCA ...
and find the ... "Right Track !!!"

cos' ... Malcolm X ... showed
that ... TRUE Muslim ... men
Don't see ... White or Black ...

Just ... FAITH ... in The ... "TRUTH" ...
and ... FAITH ... in what's ... "FACT" ...

Could it be ... behind doors ...
Some are now ... taking Crack ... !?!

Well ... that isn't Fact ... !!!
but a ... Fictional Vision ...
to ... Touch ... Peoples' Nerves ...
with ... "Deadly Precision" ... !!!
like a ... "Scalpel Incision" ... !!!

These MP's just ... Po sit ion ...
Telling ... "Lies" ... with ... Conviction
while people don't see
that it's just ... Dereliction ...
of ... Duty ... for ... GREED ... !!!!!

So ... what lies ... beneath ?
Modern Day ... Aid Relief ... ???

Well ... this is a subject ...
I've touched on ... before ...
So ... i'll keep it ... brief ...

It seems ... Even ... "Ice Skaters" ...
are joining the ... "Thief" ... !!!
by funding ... their ... lifestyle
with cash they have ... "STOLEN"... !!!
from ... " Fake " ... Aid Relief ... !!!!!

Just check in the news
Oh Yes ... This is ... TRUE ... !!!!!

But ... look for it ... quick ... !!!
if you want to ... Find it ... !!!
cos stories like that
are NOT ... the News Stories
That ... HEADLINES ... attract ...

These words are NOT  ... Fiction
You'll find ... these are ... FACT ... !!! ....

Today ... for example ...
these words have been ...

...... "Quoted" .......

from someone at ... "ABTA" ..

"If you've booked holiday
down there in Sri Lanka
hotels will be back
within a few weeks
so ... DON"T CANCEL ... your hols ... !!!!"

MaaaannnnNN ... !!!!!!!!
Ain't they got cheek ... !!!?!!!

While people who live there
are now ... feeling ... WEAK ...
it's ... Tourism Money ...
these Snakes want to Reap ... !!!!!

Well ... they'll ... "REAP" ...
what they ... sow ... !!!!! ...

Cash from the weak
who think ... The Tsunami
was just a New ... " Freak " ...

"Happening" ... of nature ...
and ... won't now ... leave them ...
listed ... DEAD ... in the paper ....

But now ... check ...
"CLOSE to HOME !!!"
We're in ... "The FLOODZONE !!!" ...
cos' now people in ... England ...
can't even go home ...
it's almost as if ...
we're in ... "The DEADZONE !!!"

Well ... ME ...
I'll keep writing ...
These TRUTHS ...
with ... "Distinction" ...

So many are ... Dying ...
we'll soon face ... EXTINCTION ... !!!?!!!

So .............. ??? ..............

Read into ... My Words ....

Are they ......... ?????


Peace y'all ... and to all those who've gone through, or, suffered, due to any kind of natural disaster ....

Remember these rhymes are from 2k- Five ..... !!!!! .....

Recognize how some LIE when they see they can profit
from ... TRAGIC ... "Loss of Life !!!"

Elevate your minds ....

The Virge says ..... Worrrrrrrrrrrrrdddddddddddd !!!!!
Written by BigVirge (Big Virge)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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