"Deep" ... A poem written by Big Virge 13/10/2005

Okay so .......
Let me ask you THIS folks ... ?
How ... DEEP ... do you go ... ?
Well me ..... I go ......
to depths through prose ...
DEEP Enough to ... FILL ... "Black Holes" ... !!!!!
Deep and Dark .......
Like ... " Unknown " ... sharks ... !!!
Deeper than ... These ... Human ...  
...... "Daaaaarrrggggggsssss" ...... !!!!!!!!!
DEEP ..... with scripts ...
of ... " TRUE " ... lyrics ...
Deeper than ... a Deep ...  
...... Abyssssssssssss ........
Deep inside ... "OH YES" ... A Sexxxy miss ...
who likes to give a ... "Sensual" ... Kiss ... !!!!!
Deep like ...... " LOVE " .......
and ...... Wedded Bliss .......
Deep like it is .....
Between ... a pair ... of Twins ...
Deep like those ... who think of ... "SINS"
because of ... YES ... My ... "DARKENED SKIN" !?!
Hmmmmmmm .............
They should .... TRY ....
to look .... WITHIN ....
that's where ... DEEPNESS ...
Can ............. BEGIN ............... !!!!!
See .... I'm DEEP .... like That ... !!!
Are you ... DEEP .... like That ... ???
Don't ... LIE ... to yourself ...
Stick to ... The FACTS ... !!!!!!
cos Lying ... simply ... leaves you ... "TRAPPED !"
with no compass ... and ... NO MAP ... !!!!!!!!
How Deep is that ... ???
Completely .... Lost ....
without a .... COP ....
No more ... "Jack Frost" ...
that show's been ... Stopped ...
No more .... " Inspection " ....
for .... " Infections " ....
Too Late Son .... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
should of used .... PROTECTION .... !!!!!!
Now you're DEEP with ... Medicine ... !!!!!!
What you've done .....
and ... have now lost ...
Your .... " Direction ??? " ....
"Man, that's a shame ....
Son, what's your name ?
You're scaring me !!!
Life's not a game,
you're acting like
you wanna blame
... " SOCIETY " ...  
for all your PAIN !!!"
"Come on now man
i'm not insane,
i'm deeper than,
A Subway Train,
It's cool okay,
I'm glad you came,
you've helped me,
..... " CHILL " ......
and raISE my game
to DEEPER .... HEIGHTS ....
like .... David Blaine .... !!!!!!"
"Deeper heights ... ?
that don't sound right !!!
Son, you sure that ...
you're ..... alright ..... !?!?!?!"
"Maaaaannnn ....  
be like James ....
Get ... Out of Sight !
I'm needing ... s p a c e  ...
like ... Satellites ... !!!!!!"
"I'm Cooooollllll with that man ....
You got .... Rhymes .... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
My ... "Depth of Mind" ...
is .... Sooooo Refined .....
that girls ... REWIND ...
My Chat Up ... Lines ... !!!!!!
See ... I'm deep with Jokes !!!
like ... Mobs and Coke ... !!!
But I'm ... DEEP With ...
........ PEACE ......... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Are you HEARING me ..... !???!
KEEP .... Your Anger ....
DEEP .... In you ....
Then trust me Son ....
We can be .... "Cool" .... !!!!!
But ... hear THIS ... "CLEAR" ... !!!
I'm ... NOT DEEP ...
with ... Human FOOLS ... !!!
cos depth with ... them ...
can cause ... "Problems" ... !!!
Problems leading to ...
...... DEEP FEUDS ..........
Feuds ... with ... Crews
with ... Different Views ...
Views that ... lead to .....
...... News Reviews ...... !!!!!
That's ... REAL DEEP ...
like ... PERMANENT SLEEP ...
Whoooaaaaaa .......
How deep have I gone ... ?
have I gone ... deep enough ... !?!?!
How about this ... ?
Try ... Sleeping Rough ...
How about that ... ?
Do you think you're ... Tough ... !?!
Do you think that YOU ...
could do .... THAT Stuff .... ?!?!?
That's ... depth of ... DESPAIR ... !!!
Do you really .... Care .... !?!
Do you think my question ...
........ is ....... " Unfair ??? " ...
"What on earth makes you think ?
I Care ..... WHAT YOU THINK ..... !!!!!"
Folks .... that's NOT ME .... !!!!!
Try ...... Tony Blair .......
for that line ... were you prepared ?
Has this piece ... taken you there ... ?
to the places that we keep ...
Locked Away ............  
while people ... "Weep" ... !!!!!!
That's ... TRUE LIFE ...
......... " REALITY " ........
These are things that ....
Keep me MEEK ....
when I walk ....  
my local streets ....
Don't be ... "Confused" ...
by words I speak ...
.... PEACE & LOVE ....
are things I ... SEEK ... !!!!!
because things like ...  
....... "These" ........
......... to me .........
.......... are .............
"Deeeeeeeepppppppp !!!!!!"
Written by BigVirge (Big Virge)
Published | Edited 18th Apr 2013
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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