Image for the poem Fallen Lovers

Fallen Lovers

- Fallen Lovers -

Part One: Night’s Descent

As twilight hastens unto the land and shafts of gold do shimmer,
Mother Night’s heralds are heard, as the first stars do glimmer.
The sky puts away the gilded crown of the sun’s fiery façade…
And the regent of the sun puts away the ruler’s bejeweled rod.
The delights of the afternoon give way to the pleasures of eve,
As the Queen of the Night descends in glory not soon to leave!
Behold, for her coming is like the advent of a dream’s fantasy…
And all the children of the night know the sweetness that can be.
I hear the songs of moonlight, the night birds and the crickets,
Calling out across the land, across forests, fields, and thickets…
Seemingly a symphony, conducted by forces we can never see!
And yet they wait, they wait for me, delighting in my company.
So come with me, and let us dance where moonbeams cascade,
Down from the heights of the heavens, illuminating night’s shade.
The breaths of the seasons are felt on the neck like a loving kiss,
Each having its’ own sensations to be savored with great bliss…
The playfulness of the moment is ours to discover if we do dare!
Both the teasing and the pleasing, and thrills beyond compare…
Blossoms blow and leaves fall, but through it all, life will endure.
So let us join hands and welcome the night, to savor it the more!

Part Two: The White Angel

Once the sun has set, the ruins of castles fade, lost to ages past.
Their stones, like old brittle bones, are broken so hard and fast!
The blood of those who fell within is no longer wet and flowing,
For ghosts have not the means to bleed, from forms all glowing!
Or some claim to see them as, when to ruins they are so called,
By simple curiosity, which is a power, not ever so easily stalled.
The white of my gown is paler than the countenance of the dead,
As I walk amongst the ruins, feeling nothing of their deep dread.
In queenly dignity I stride, and though I walked through the hells,
Which lie beyond the veil of life and death, in majesty that fells…
Those more prideful than I; even so I am an angel still to behold!
For the dark rites of the past could not keep me long and cold…
I wait to dance with you amidst the rubble, all of night our stage.
So fly to me, oh fly unto me, for to hesitate is to close the cage!
Though born as male I left that life behind to become the queen,
Of a universe of enchantments, the empress in mad visions seen.
My soul was ever female, my mind girlish and given to laughter…
So laugh with me, oh do laugh with me both now and ever after.
I live as a maiden and you love me for all the beauty I possess…
Oh my beautiful man let our passions flow, like my palest dress!

Part Three: Moonlight Halo

My hair has become golden, and the moon serves as its’ halo…
I am the embodiment of light and darkness, as above so below!
The crickets chip, the owls hoot, and I am dancing amidst ruins.
I am the center of my own creation; where it ends, and begins…
Weaving a spell to bring you hither, to bind you to me with love.
I am the angel who waits below, cast down cruelly from above!
And lo, I see your form drawn nigh, like a ghost from the grave,
Wandering alone in my kingdom, your spirit so bold and brave!
I want you with all my heart, and you want my desire to blaze…
So you are drawn like a moth to the flame, until the end of days.
Burn in my presence, for passion is the heat that fully consumes!
Bask in my radiance, for such immolation is not one that dooms.
Rather through love you will be reborn, and not need to wander,
For, at my side you will be complete, with naught left to ponder.
I feel your hand sliding into mine, and I behold you ever sweet,
Your smile is angelic, in and of itself, as a goddess it does greet.
Love is worship in its’ purest form and so become my devotee!
Mine is the hand that plucked the fruit from the Forbidden Tree,
Giving it to a maiden who bore her gift unto all mankind, eternal.
Now, all it has to offer is love, hotter than all the flames infernal!
Written by Kou_Indigo (Karam L. Parveen-Ashton)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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