Brink of Insanity

I sit in the corner and look at my watch
2:55 am
"Please not today" I silently pray
The glass on the table shatters onto the ground
It sends cold chills down my spine
Blood draws from the ground and forms a fountain
A voice in my head speaks “Shall we begin?”

I look at my watch again
2:56 am
The room gets unbearably cold
My fingers break one by one as I try to warm them
As they fall onto the my fingers crumble to tiny pieces
I feel my skin hardening and starting to crack
As I look at my freezing body my eyes stuck in one place
I stare in horror as my body continues to solidify and crack and I wait
I stare in frozen horror as my frozen body inches towards the ground
The last thing I hear before I disappear into nothingness
Is a loud pitched shattering sound

My eyes open again and stare at my watch
2:57 am
The room gets flooded with water
I struggle to swim but the current is too strong
I sink underwater and swallow a mouthful of the liquid
“This is not water” I say, “It tastes funny”
Suddenly my mouth starts to burn
And so are my hands, feet, eyes
Every part of my skin is turning black due to this liquid
“Acid!!” I realise but the liquid starts to boil
“Boiling Acid?!”
I watch as pieces of my blackened body effortlessly drift away
I try to swim but I realise I have no hands
I try to scream but the liquid fills my mouth
Then finally my eyes and the pain was excruciating then I sink into nothingness

My eyes open and I am in the corner again
Eyes to my watch
2:58 am
All of a sudden I am in a field
The air is sweet
I am at peace
Suddenly the sky turns red
Crops around begin to wither and die
The air suddenly becomes pungent
I try to breathe but I choke
I try with my mouth but I spit blood
I look at myself and I can’t believe what I am seeing
My own body is withering and drying
I try to run but with every step I crumble
The wind carries my body into the air
For a moment I am at peace
“I am flying” I say to myself
That was before I realise that I do not have legs
And my torso is being blown away
“Hey, at least I flew” I said to myself before I stopped thinking

I finally wake up and look at the time one last time
2:59 am
“Please God let me die” I begged
Suddenly the room starts to shake
Cracks appear on the wall
Bricks start falling and destroying everything
“This is just a dream” I tell myself “I need to wake up quick”
But then a large brick falls and hits me on the shin and shatters it
I scream in pain “The pain is real though” I tell myself
I try to crawl away but a large piece of glass catches my other leg
And cuts it clean in half
“I can still make it out of here” I hopelessly try to convince myself
My hands bleed with every effort I put into leaving this place
And then a metal rod pierces my gut and buries its other end on the concrete floor
Every part of me screams with pain
After hours of pulling and tugging I manage to pull it out
As I lay on my back I wish for death
Three roofing materials fall and the seemingly target various parts of my body
My head, my throat and my chest
I give up hope, close my eyes and wait for the darkness to overcome me
I slowly wake up and sit on the bed and look around
“This asylum can bring someone to the brink of insanity” I think to myself
“Jake” The nurse calls “Time for your medication” she calls out sweetly
As I take the pill a voice in my head whispers:
“We are gonna have fun again tonight... Be prepared... I will be back at my usual time. Have fun, for now...”
I look at the watch and the time is 10:15 am
14 hours 40 minutes and counting until another episode....

Written by SmokeMirrorComplex
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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