Image for the poem Bellever


rainwater running down the vertical surfaces of the crusted buildings, the ebbing floods make their way across the ancient bitumen and swell toward a blocked drane over the street. damp wild weeds tore back a section of the broken pavement to form a dark mass sparking a latent fear in the back of Taddo’s mind and preventing him from looking that way for too long. it is far, now, from the inner city. its familiar glow warming the thick, damp horizon to the south, split like two lips parted..

“why’re we here?” spoke out loud “I fuk’n hate this place, ‘sa shithole”

“O you do, d’you? “with scorn” then I suppose we better go back to Em’swall, after all I’m sure there’s people over there who’d love to see your face this night!” Arro’s long thin face was lit with delectation at the revelation of Taddo’s agoraphobia, his grey eyes wide.

“’Nyway I think it’s nicer out here. Peaceful, like. Empty. “

“Yeah! ‘N tha’s what I fukn’ don’ like. Could be any weird fuk’r out ‘ere. Messed up cunts who live out here. “

“Well, it’d be better if it stopped rainin’ for two minutes so we could get over that house over there” He points his long finger toward an old-style house which seems to be the only one around with roof surfaces intact, though all the large rectangular windows have long since been shattered and the fragments scattered about in the all-consuming vegetation.

“It’ll be dry inside there” opens his palm skyward to test the beat of rainfall on skin.

“No fuck’n way I’m goin’ in there, ya bastard. Rather get piss wet through out ‘ere all night”

“Come on! “ Arro twists round, grabs Taddo’s arm and pulls him to his feet. Taddo is startled and annoyed as the water collected on his collar runs down his neck and under his thin shirt.

“Yagh! Fuk’n filthy old shitwater right down my neck!! What you do that for?”Arro laughing shoots his hand around Taddos exposed wrist and drags him off toward the house through all the downpour.”Come on, you little shit!” Taddo contracts with revulsion as a wet stalk finds its way up his naked back, and breaks free from Arros grip. “I’m not fuk’n goin in the shithole old unit! It’ll be full of old plants ‘n crap and dead peoples things! I’m goi’n back NOW! “

“ You’ve fuk’n made sure you can’t go back there. Don’t you get it?” Arro shouts, then he straightens “ We can’t never go back, you understand? Eh? You understand? they’ll kill us both. Dead. We have no choice but to get away from there and never go back. “ Arro extends his hand to Taddo “Now come with me before this rain finishes us off for good “

“I’m not fuck’n goin inside there” uncertainly gestures away the house, an emotion forming on his lips.

“well fuck you then! “ Arro turns and strides quickly toward the front opening of the old house.

Taddo remains outlined motionless against the purple sky, the silver mist exploding on contact with his form. Arro sees this because he is watching all the while as he searches to find a way to make the door give way. He decides to climb up through a raised ledge where a window once stood.

A moment after his shape disappears inside, Taddo steals a last glance to the smeared horizon where tongues of white mist lick at the black valleys, and follows
Written by trysca
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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