This is a story of a young mans soul

This is a story of a young mans soul
Who was always low and always slow
For he is weak, his soul brittle
A little jerk that breaks it apart
He cried to god afar,
but never has he answered neither did those close to him,
He is but a used twig,
Used and thrown before he grows,
He is thrown into a ragging fire,
He crackles but no one can hear,
He is but an orphaned child,
Left among woods, left alone,
He seeks love where ever it is,
But doesn't care of the grief that comes with it
If small love he always gets
He is happy his soul satisfied
But that grief that comes later
Shatters his soul like stone to a glass
As he picks them up piece by piece to mend it back together as one
A teardrop from his eyes fall
Like a diamond through the air,
It reachs ground and splits afar like pearls in the sea
He then decided that he be strong
For he had people who wouldn't care,
So he decided that to become strong he must mend both his mind and his soul
So from that day forth
His mind knew no emotion
His soul forged from steel hardened by will and mind
Kept him safe for those years,  
By this time he knew the cruel world,
What is good and what is bad
He changed the very being that he was

From a persons view a gentle soul,
Here to help,
But in his oceanic mind turmoils like hurricanes always loomed
Doubts never cleared returned to haunt him
He never spoke his mind,
He doubted what they may say if he did
He fakes his laughter and his smile
To all those who were around him
He has cried many a time but never
Has anyone understood his rhyme
Now today he faced his last blow
His friend who stole his heart of hearts,
A heart he always wanted to protect,
His friend a thief took it away instead
He had no choice but to give up
For he did not want to risk both friendship and love
He came to a conclusion
He cleared his mind
His feeling gone long ago
Now he threw both love and affection.
Of what was left he did survive but only for time that was never on his side
He is haunted no more by his doubts
His soul no more brittle
The love he searched he never got
though he searched through space and time
He cries no more, for he was answered
That being the only way out
Now he lies under stone and mud
Never to be disturbed
Death was but an option before,
Untill he lost all that he lived for ,
For love he never got,
For the soul he never had,
For a mind he wished no one would have
For a friendship that betrayed him,
For a life no one should have,
One by one the other options disappeared
Till he was left with nothing more than death
So, death was compusory something that he didnt want
But that which the world made him take
Even in death he never had a choice
His forever then rests in peace never to be disturbed for ever more
They all forgot,
They all moved
He was left alone yet again
Written by Dragon
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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