Let you go...

I let you go, didn't i?
The last three months I lost side of our love.
Instead i decided to take a glance of the person everyone else wanted me to be.
I just didnt see
In your eyes, i saw the reflection of my inner self
In your arms, i embraced the security of being with a man like you
Don't get me wrong, the sex was amazing
But after a while, i began to dream of something different
and now im regretting the moments i did not take advantage of
I ask of you, is it too late for me?
Is it too late for us?
everyone questions why we arent together,
and the only answer that i can think of, is
because I LET YOU GO.
Or did i?
I am not writing to beg, or plea in a desperate need
But i will admit,
I am crying in agony, because you are not here with me.
We were perfect together?
Werent we?
You were my daddy, and i was your baby
When i was sick, you missed the playoffs to take care of me
When i almost died in that car accident,you were the first person that was at the incident
When my father revealed his second family, you were there to hold back my fists and helped control my anger.
When i found the courage to tell you my love had faded away like the sun disappears behind the moody grey clouds
Well, You couldnt even look at me.
And that was when, i knew we were over
Because now i regret ever letting you go...
Written by Ebony_Sky
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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