The Eternal City

In days long past, when marble gleamed
And eagles soared where empires dreamed
There stood a city, carved in stone
That world has forever known

Her streets were paved with conquerors' tread
Her hills bore kings, her waters bled
In every arch and vaulted dome
The spirit soared, the heart of Rome

But what is Rome to one whose soul  
Was born in times beyond her scroll?  
To whom no Senate's echo calls
No legion marches through her halls

Yet still, beneath the modern skies
A Roman heart in silence cries
Though centuries have worn away  
The glory of that ancient day,
The soul that once walked Caesar's path  
Still feels the surge of Roman wrath

For Rome is not mere brick and dust
Nor monuments that fade and rust
She is the fire that never dies
The law, the sword, the eagle’s cries

In crowded streets, in foreign lands
I feel the weight of Roman hands
I dream of banners, scarlet, gold
Of warriors proud and cities bold

In whispered winds, I hear her speak
In every stone, her strength I seek
Her virtues, honor, duty, pride
They guide my steps, my soul’s true guide

Time has scattered Rome’s great throne
I carry her, I am her own
Her spirit flows through every age
A living spark, a boundless rage

For Rome is more than time can hold
Her veins run deep, her heart is bold
She lives in every soul that yearns  
For justice pure, for truth that burns

So though the Colosseum falls
And silence fills her hallowed halls
The Roman heart shall never cease
In every age, her soul finds peace

For Rome is not a place, but flame
An eternal whisper in our name
She calls to those who dare to dream
Who seek the stars, who rise, supreme

And I, though born in distant days
Still walk the Roman roads, her ways
My soul, forever tied to Rome
Her empire is my heart, my home
Written by ThePalestRider
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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