Apocalyptic Genesis

In the dim of creation's mournful sigh
As stars retreat from heaven's eye
The watchers stand in spectral line
Bearing the weight of ending time
The firmament bends, the sky is torn
For Genesis lies dead and worn

A warrior clad in shadowed steel
Grips a sword that once could heal
He guards no gate, no light to keep
His purpose lost, his vigil deep
His eyes once fierce now dark and grim
For all is lost that once was him

The herald, silent by his horn
No trumpet calls the new day born
His lips sealed tight, his voice restrained
No tidings left, no hope sustained
He watches cold where silence reigns
A sentinel of empty plains

The healer walks on barren ground
Among the ruins, none left found
His hands that soothed now ghostly roam
Through lands bereft of hearth and home
No cure remains for mortal breath
No solace left, just quiet death

The torchbearer, with dimming flame
Stands solemn in his cloak of shame
No longer lighting paths ahead
But mourning those who lay there dead
He reads the scrolls of faded lore
Of things that are, and are no more

The shadowed one in robes of black
Counts the souls that never come back
His wings unfurled, a shroud of night
He walks the edge of dying light
No cries of joy, no songs to raise
Just empty skies and endless days

And guardians fierce with burning eyes
Stand witness to the world’s demise
Their faces veiled, their voices gone
Their fires quenched before the dawn
No gates to guard, no souls to save
They watch the birth of earth’s dark grave

The choir silent, hymns now ceased
Their golden harps by shadows fleeced
No echoes of celestial mirth
Just silence swallowing the earth
Their wings once bright now fold and fade
In mourning for the world unmade

In the shadows deep and gloom forlorn
The heavens weep, the cosmos torn
Creation’s end, the night’s refrain
As light succumbs to endless pain
A quiet falls, a final breath
As angels bow to watch our death
Written by ThePalestRider
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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