Image for the poem The Hunchback of The Beautiful Poem

The Hunchback of The Beautiful Poem

There is so much poetry than makes you happy for a while, then you spend the rest of your life in regrets,          
i can give you a rose, freshly picked from a flowery garden, one that blooms in spring,          
just for a moment which will wither the moment its perfume is gone.Abroad laugh          
that ends in tears and fears and desolation and's like a fast food        
you buy from the sidewalk kiosk, its full, fleshy, garnished, spicy that makes you say,        
'' yummy !!, just walk a few steps, and you will get  '' Hangry.''...angry+ hungry        
''what comes fast, leaves fast''        
Ambiguity, instability, inconsistency, reticence, irrationality, unresponsiveness, the list is long        
 as long as one affected with these can't see, or hear or taste.The reason? too much selfish,        
 too much introvert and narcissistic..and lack of self trust; less interaction with the external world        
 from which we get the basical behavior.the educational ABC's and the lore.        
Come out of your self, of your shell and try to mix with in the melting pot," in the ocean, know the people before you judge them, try to live their world, with its oxygen, with its different souls, its variety of personalities, behaviors, reflect yourself in their mirrors, compare them to your moderation and cognitive interaction,,,,,        
Listen to them with your mind's ear, not with your ear that only hears, not conceives          
the natural meaning the basical concepts the origin of words which are pure actions.        
abstracted into words and symbols....        
I prefer listen and discuss, and get involved in a controversial topic, rather than make deaf ear and live like agoraphobic sick.person.I prefer being elbowed, rejected, strained, bullied, why not, challenged, cause at length i will learn too much more than being left aside, without testing my levels, my capacities,        
my morality, my resilience and my patience..and my I.Q..        
Poetry that makes you happy is not necessary the good one, and the right one, or the Most poetic one, Beauty ,aesthetically speaking, is the culmination of a value, regardless of  its positivity or negativity, Ugliness is beauty when it comes to its apex, to its highest level of hideousness compared to Beauty in its attractiveness....        
Quasimodo is the ugliest character in Notre dame de Paris, beside the most beautiful Esmeralda, but he is a beautiful antagonist to the main protagonist , that is to say, Esmeralda....        
Having a good face is not a necessity looking good, it may hide an atrocious ugliness of the soul; or the spirit, same to say ugly Quasimodo is a beautiful soul and spirit which overshadow his ugly face....        
Your poetry is as beautiful as your inner soul is such, and vice versa, in harmony with nature and you are a quite moderate man with not too much selfishness excess, or morbidity symptoms, because your poesy holds much of your sickness even when you strive to conceal it with metaphor and ambiguity..        
there it shows so evidently unveiled..........      
Written by poeticdelight (Hamid)
Author's Note
Very Tender Music of Love, Collection of the most incredible melodies! Divine music touches the soul!
Edgar Tuniyants
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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