Worlds Collide chapter 6

He woke up in the middle of the night and ran to the bathroom. He threw up in the sink and fell to his knees fainting on the floor.

“Jonathan!” He could barely hear his wife's voice as she repeated his name. “Jonathan! WAKE UP! JONATHAN!.”

He opened his eyes to find he was in bed with his wife sitting next to him. He doesn't remember how he got there. She must have dragged him there. The only thing he remembered was throwing up and that was it.

“Are you ok?” she asked, “I was about to call 911,” she was greatly concerned. He has never been this sick before. He could hardly breath. His head was spinning, pain gripped his stomach like it was about to implode.

Gradually the pain began to subside, and he managed to answer, "I don't know! It must have been something I ate." Only it wasn't. He didn't have dinner last night so what the hell was happening to him?

“This is it! Tomorrow we're seeing a doctor,” she said.

“I TOLD YOU, I’m fine.” He snapped. One thing for sure, he couldn’t afford a doctor right now; blood test, X-rays, medical exams... that'll cost him a fortune. Besides, he was feeling better. It must have been something he ate, maybe.

“Linda. Please I’m ok,” he tried to reassure her once again, “I'm feeling better.”

Linda remained next to him in bed where he laid for hours trying to recover. She tried to give him some water but he didn't want to put anything in his stomach lest he throw up again. Eventually the pain went away but the memories didn't. He remembered waking up to a powerful dream that rocked his senses to hell. Images of people, places, things, were spinning in his head like a whirlwind.

"So this is what a bad dream was all about?!" He thought to himself. He wasn't much of a dreamer and those few images that crept at night were quickly forgotten. Now he knew differently. He will probably never forget what he saw for the rest of his life. They were as real as if he lived those memories himself....

At noon he woke up to find himself alone in bed. He didn’t remember the last time he had slept this late. Getting out of bed was another matter. He forced his wobbly leg to stand up until his headache faded a little. He managed to compose himself and went down to the living room. There was no trace of his kids. They must have gone to school. It usually was his job to navigate the dangers of their school’s drop-off lane. Linda must have done it this time. He doesn’t know what he would do without her. She was his wife, his friend, his rock, his everything, and seeing her washing those dishes was a turn on. His cock sprang up in his shorts like it had a life of its own. Scratching or groping usually helped it lay to rest, so why wasn't it working this time? It must have been this thing he ate last night, if only he knew what!!! This wasn’t the first time he was turned on by his doting wife, but it sure as hell was the first time that he wanted to do something about it.

Slowly he snuck behind his wife and wrapped his arms around her. She was in her house-work clothes, an old shorts, and a worn out top that was a little damp from the water splashing against the walls of their kitchen sink.

Chicago’s summer was hot and humid, and the A/C was acting up again so she preferred to put on as little clothes as possible when she was home all alone. She almost dropped the plate she was holding in her hand when her husband’s arms surprised her.

“JONATHAN,” she cried out, “you scared the shit out of me!”

“Don’t mind me,” he said, “continue with what you’re doing. This will just take a minute.” As he stood behind her he pulled down her shorts together with her panties which fell down to her ankles, then he proceeded to bring down his own.

“Jonathan Frederik Cole," she scolded, “what do you think you’re doing?”

He always loved the way his wife called out his full name when she was mad at him. It was usually followed by him spilling out something or apologizing for something, but this time he was the one in control....maybe.

His hard penis tried to lodge itself between her cracks, trying to find its goal. His hands roamed the front of her shirt groping for her breasts. His mouth touched the back of her neck and gave her a kiss which probably aroused him more than it did her.

“I can feel you’re all up and ready despite last night,” she smirked, “shall we go upstairs?”


“JONATHAN?!” Surprised once again with his reply. “The neighbors can see us!” She tried to wriggle out of this surprise attack.

The kitchen sink overlooked the street of their suburban neighborhood. Almost everyone was either at work or busy inside their homes. The only threat he could think off was the watchful eyes of old lady Dorothy from across the street. But he didn’t mind. He had a more important task at hand. He just grabbed hold of his wife and lifted her a little so that his cock could slide into her surprised vagina... and she moaned.

“Mmmmnn,” she moaned dropping the plate which was in her hand into the sink. She barley managed to grab hold of the edges of the kitchen countertop to wait for what was to come. The water from the faucet deflected from the plate and splashed all over her top, soaking it wet. She could feel her breasts cling to the thin material of her T-shirt exposing her little nipples underneath. Jonathan’s hands cupped those breasts and squeezed hard almost to the point of pleasurable pain.

All he could think off was how he could maneuver his shaft to slide in and out of his wife’s entrance. He sure as hell didn’t have a porn star size cock, but it was still capable of some penetration.

Linda was past the point of surprise at this stage. When he snuck up on her she wanted to turn around and give him a piece of her mind, but he was quicker. When he took her shorts down exposing her ass to his throbbing cock, she was hocked. She didn’t think he was capable of doing something as spontaneous as this. Heck he has never done anything as spontaneous as this. But she liked it. As his cock rammed into her pussy she could feel his hands squeezing her nipples from outside her wet top. This was surreal. She could swear his cock had grown an inch or so... impossible.. she knew... but still she felt places inside her vagina which were being reached for the first time and she wanted more. She wanted him to ram harder. She wanted this to continue forever. When he stopped she almost cried, “damn it Jonathan, pleaeeese don’t.” Of course he wasn’t about to.

After he pulled out, he swiftly flipped her around, and lifted her up on the edge of the kitchen sink. He quickly spread her legs apart and plunged his cock back into the warmth of his loving wife’s dripping hole one more time and she moaned one more time.

“Mmmnnn,” She has never been a moaning person, but this time she couldn’t help it. She just held on to her husband lest he decide to pull out again. She wrapped her arms around his back, and pulled him closer to her chest. As he continued to ram his growing cock in and out of her, she could only cling tighter, resting her head on his shoulder as one by one the first then the second and finally the last of her orgasms rocked her to the edge of her breath.

He continued to plunge and plunder his way inside even though he knew she was past the point of no return, until he too exploded inside of her. Finally he pulled out to slump back on a kitchen chair leaving her shivering on the edge of the kitchen counter. He could see his semen oozing out of her hole as it slowly dripped down her thigh.

“We should do this more often,” she said as she tried to recover her shorts and panties from the floor.

“And you should wash the dishes more often,”

They both laughed at his joke, something they haven’t done for a long time. She walked to sit on his leg giving him a little thank you peck on his cheek for this spontaneous surprise gift.

“Are you sure you don’t want to see a doctor?” she smiled as she said it. She was still concerned about last night, and now this?! Something was definitely wrong. This wasn’t the husband she knew and she was worried.

“Honey. I’m ok,” he tried to reassure her. “I think I should go back to the gym again. Maybe my body was trying to tell me something last night. Maybe I’m out of shape and I need to loose a few pounds. Other than that, I’m as fit as on ox.”

“That’s not a bad idea,” she added her encouragement. “How about I finish cleaning up the kitchen and then I can help the Ox take a shower. He sure smells like one.” Back in her mind she was still concerned, but she could do nothing about it right now. She hoped the exercise would help and if a surprise fuck every once in a while was all it took to snap him out of his depression then who was she to complain.

The next morning Jonathan walked to the nearby gym. He had always wanted to visit this gym when it opened a few years back. It was more of a high end sports complex than a mere gym, a little up his pay scale, but he could at least take a look around. The last time he was in a gym was more than ten years ago. After his first daughter was born dippers had become more of a priority in his life. Since then his weight went up and his fitness spiraled down reciprocally.

“A hundred dollars a month,” the sales person replied, “and you get a fifty percent discount for the first month.” When Jonathan didn’t respond he upped his offer, “try it for free this week, then you can decide if you want to join or not.” The salesman knew that once he stepped inside he’ll be hooked. That was more than Jonathan could afford to squander on himself right now. However he walked all the way to this gym so why not try it out.

The gym was huge. Twenty thousand square feet of endless fitness options; indoor, outdoor pools, all kinds of exercise machines, more than four basketball courts, even a dedicated martial arts area as well as all the usual yoga and exercise programs you can imagine to make you as fit as a fiddle. Unfortunately he wasn’t, and a few minutes on the treadmill was all it took to confirm it. This wasn’t going to work. Too many half naked bodies running around, too many distractions, too many heartbeats...he should get out of there before he ends up in a hospital with another bill he could not afford.

As he walked out of the gym he passed the martial arts area. He was intrigued to see what that was all about. He had never been into this kind of stuff before. Even when he was going to the gym in his hay days he never thought of doing anything as exotic as that; just some weights or a swim were the limits of his ambitions. What the hell! he survived a fuck in the kitchen, so why not martial arts!

He entered the large, floor padded, room. It was empty. There were no classes at the time. He looked around admiring the oriental ornaments and some of the weapons that decorated the walls of this exercise hall. One of the things that caught his eye were the wooden bamboo staffs that were neatly stacked on a rack in one corner of the room. They looked like those Japanese samurai weapons that he saw in movies. He surprised himself when he took one from the shelf and waved it around like it was a Star Wars light saber. He loved Star Wars. Who didn’t. He had always been a science fiction fan ever since he was a little boy and even now that he’s in his forties he still loved those Jedi swords that buzzed with electric charge. He closed his eyes imagining that bamboo stick to be one, then suddenly his stomach imploded one more time as it did last night and everything went blank.... oh God...not again!

The world just faded slowly around him. He was alone. Alone in NOTHING. The only thing he could see was light, bright light that engulfed him like a shroud of... NOTHING. It was only him and the staff in his hand. He looked at it and he knew that it was all that mattered. They were one. It was an extension of himself, his arm, and he felt his heart beat with every slight movement of his wrist. He could feel every inch of its smooth texture, it’s slight bends, the knots in its material. As he swung it in the air it moved like it knew what he wanted. It knew his strength, his weakness like a long lost twin. They moved like one. They danced like one. They swam in the air like they were ghosts possessed. They flipped like a pair of tangled gymnasts synchronized in body and in spirit. He imagined rolling on the floor with the bamboo sword in his hand moving, swaying, rolling as a ballerina in a pool of shimmering light. At times he was the one to lead. At others it was the sword that dictated where he lands and where every inch of his body should be. Together they moved like lightning, zipping in the air faster than the eye could see.... until...oh Goooood.... not again. Jonathan opened his eyes to find himself on his hands and knees gripping the floor. The bamboo sword was on the other side of the room and he was trying hard to breath.

“ARE ARE ARE YOU YOU OK?” He heard a voice ring in his head.

WHO?!...Jonathan looked up. Everything was a blur. Slowly his vision came into focus. He was surprised to see a man wearing a black jumpsuit, surrounded by a bunch of men and women looking at him in bewilderment. Shit!!!...he must have broken something.

“That was amazing,” the man said, “you must be a Kenjutsu master.”

A WHAT?! Jonathan tried to stand up on his wobbly legs once again. Maybe he should see a doctor, as his wife suggested. She was probably going to say, “I told you so.”  But first he had to get home if he could manage to walk straight.

“I’m sorry,” he tried to apologize, “I didn’t mean to play with your toy.”

“Are you kidding me? That was unbelievable.” The man in black said, “I’m a 6th-dan Kenjutsu Renshi and I’ve never seen anything like this!.”

“I’m really sorry,” Jonathan tried to apologize one more time, “I can pay for it if you want.” He must have done something to that wooden stick for this man to be so worked out.

The man walked to Jonathan and bowed deeply until he thought his head was going to touch the floor then he said, “my name is Stan, and I would be honored if you can teach me what you just did, Master.”

Eeehhh....WHAT?! That was what went into Jonathan’s mind as he tried to comprehend what Stan just said.

“Did What !?”

“You’re joking, right!?” The man replied, “ok ok I understand. You don’t want to teach, but at least you can practice with us sometimes.”

Jonathan tried to get out of this mess before he broke anything else. He didn’t say a thing. He just walked as quickly as he could to the door trying not to look back at the crowd he was leaving behind. As he was exiting the room he saw Stan, together with all those people bowing down to him one more time.

What the fuck?!..... if he could just remember what he had for dinner!...


“What just happened?!” the young female Bore was confused.

“This is very strange indeed. They seem to be merging in and out of one another. This needs more detailed examination if we are to understand the effect of this phenomenon.”

“Does this mean we can get in closer to examine them?” the female Bore’s excitement was raised a notch.

“Let’s wait and see,” the older Bore replied trying to dampen her enthusiasm. “the Nexus is a strange place. It’s unpredictable when it is in this state. As I said. Let’s wait and see.”
Written by Samnash (Sam Nash)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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