Your Basic Roux.

To make your basic roux      
from which all your dishes        
will spring.1st a verb or two      
add nouns and adjectives        
To taste, let those age  
on the bone for a year
or five and make sure
to top up with nouns to  
keep your Roux alive.
Stir constantly or it will
stick to the side you
need a consistency        

just so. Take a sample        
Sometime and throw it      
at a wall or person if it      
sticks it's ready for use      

collect adjectives that      
Folk use in everyday talk      
these will add flavour to      
the basic roux, these can      

be simmered for a hundred          
Year or more. Use at will.      
but caution, some are very      
strong and may spoil the      

broth. Timely punctuation        
Of your basic roux may give      
more meaning to the flavour        
but once again caution you      

may confuse some who      
Have no sense, of, taste!      
A pinch of reality, the scent      
of fear folded in and rolled        

out with imagination shaken      
On top and then pricked to      
impart a pretty pattern. Here,    
don't overdo the decoration    

of your dish, a little goes a    
Long way and may age well    
if not some natural colouring    
and, perhaps, a swirl of cream    

to taste, a drop of brandy in    
The mix, for that surprise en flambe?    
En, Voilą, a dish fit to make      
all your future creations, sweet or    
sour, your basic roux?
Author's Note
For a comp.
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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