The Art Of The Deal V (Hedge Fund Accounts)
Belman Estates
Artesia turned around in Michael’s arms.
“How about that talk?”
Both walked over to the couch.
“After you, since I will be the one listening.”
Artesia sat followed by Michael.
“I would like you to drop this silly accusation against Tristano.”
Artesia held her hand up.
“You’re listening remember.”
“As you were saying.”
“I looked over the contracts, and my finding, the contracts are bogus, and forged.”
Michael rubbed over his five-o-clock shadow. He looked into Artesia’s eyes.
“You called me three o’clock in the morning to ask me to save your boyfriend’s ass.”
“Pardon me.”
“Before I retract what I said in the papers, I would let that bastard hang.”
“Do you hate Tristano that much?”
“No, I just want you, and if seeing his ass hang to get you, then so be it.”
Artesia gasped at the audacity of Michael’s tongue.
“Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea.”
Artesia stood. Michael stood.
“Could you ta…”
“You back to that loser, hell no.”
“Then I guess I’ll walk.”
Artesia pivoted to turn.
Michael grabbed her around her waist, and pulled her back to his chest.
“I didn’t mean to upset you.”
“Would you keep an open mind, and hear me out.”
“I’m listening.”
Artesia turned around in Michael’s arms.
“As I was saying.”
Michael kissed the side of Artesia’s neck.
“Tristano is innocent….”
Michael kissed Artesia under her chin. He unzipped her dress from the side. One side of her dress drooped.
“Michael, you supposed to be listening...”
“I’m doing just that.”
He squeezed one of her breasts.
“The contracts...”
Michael leaned down and kissed a breast nipple.
Artesia threw her head back.
Michael pulled the dress down, the softness of the material rested around Artesia’s hips.
“Those breasts nipples have been driving me insane all night long.”
Michael’s mouth followed his validation. He teased, and rolled his tongue over Artesia’s breast, he then suckled a harden nipple.
Stop this madness for things get out of hand she thought.
Michael inched back and looked down into Artesia’s eyes.
“I’ve dreamed a thousand times of making love to you.”
“Then maybe we should finally make this dream a reality.”
Artesia unbuttoned Michael’s Kenneth Cole white shirt.
Black fine hairs covered his entire chest wall.
She took off his shirt and threw it on the couch.
Michael pushed Artesia’s dress down her legs.
Artesia stepped out of it. Her breasts graced his hirsute chest.
“After I finish making love to you; I’m going to again...”
Artesia’s lips froze Michael’s sentence in mid-stride. She clumsily unbuckled his belt, and then unfastened the closure of his jeans. She unzipped the zipper.
Michael cupped Artesia’s face, and placed emphasis on the kiss.
Artesia blindly worked Michael’s denim and briefs over his erect dick. She inched back long enough to look down.
Oh Artesia you’re entering a dangerous game of love here.
Michael slipped out of his Italian loafers and pushed his jeans and briefs down to his feet. He took them off, lifted them from off the carpet, and blindly tossed them. He pulled Artesia against him and kissed her.
Michael reached down and placed his dick in between the space of Artesia’s thighs.
Artesia rocked her body back and forth.
“I have been saving this for you, and you only,” Michael whispered in her ear.
He dipped his knees and kissed under her chin; his tongue worshipped her face, her neck, he then snaked it inside her ear canal.
Artesia placed her palms on Michael’s shoulders and scooted closer to his body. She twisted her head sideways to accommodate the free range of his lips and tongue on her skin.
Artesia kissed Michael’s chest. She placed her arms around his neck, and pressed her physique against his body.
Michael lifted Artesia from off her feet.
The next thing she recalled. He laid her down on a white bear skin rug.
The crackling fire provided the warmth.
Artesia wrapped her legs around Michael’s waist, and pulled his body down to hers. Her tongue danced across his five o’clock shadow.
The excitement of him entering her overshadowed the guilt.
Michael slowly kissed Artesia. He kissed the side of her neck and inched back; he held her hands above her head, and seasoned her nipples with the striking of his wet tongue.
Michael licked around the mound. He teased one of Artesia’s nipples between his lips, and smacked the tip with his tongue.
“Oh Michael...oh baby.”
Michael released Artesia’s hands.
Artesia stuck her finger inside the passage of her pussy. She arched her back in self-pleasing herself.
Michael removed the finger from out Artesia’s pussy, and suckled it.
Michael got on his stomach and parted Artesia’s pussy. He kissed at the entrance, and titillated her clitoris. He licked over the wet opening.
Michael’s tongue swooped inside. He gripped the back of Artesia’s buttocks, and made a track with his tongue from her clitoris, down to the dip inside her pussy.
Oh Lord she thought.
Michael’s tongue consistently skimmed over Artesia’s clitoris like he was gliding his fingers over piano keys. He positioned himself over her, grabbed his manhood, and laid it against the crater of her pussy. He looked down into her eyes.
“Baby, I’m not planning on turning this clock back once we make love.”
Artesia did not think twice. She linked her arms around Michael’s lower back.
Michael propelled his dick pass the opening.
“I will not let you keep this from me any longer.”
Their lips met.
Artesia sucked on Michael’s tongue, getting high on his dick twisting and driving inside her vaginal walls.
“Michael...keep…keep moving.”
Michael closed his eyes to the tightness of Artesia’s pussy.
He repeatedly gouged every inch of his dick inside her. He opened his eyes and looked down into her eyes. He elongated his body, and crashed his dick inside her womanhood harder.
“Shi...shit. Oh, your cunt feels tight on this dick.”
Artesia kissed Michael’s chest wall. Her lips met a field of chest hairs. She half-lifted her back. Her womanhood tangoed over Michael’s manhood.
“Oh you feel so good…”
Michael repeatedly stabbed his manhood deeper.
Artesia dug her nails into Michael’s skin while lifting her pelvis to match his thrust.
Michael leaned his head down. He kissed under Artesia’s chin, and then he suckled her nose.
Someone knocked on the door.
Both bodies froze in motion.
Michael moved his hard erection inside Artesia.
Artesia closed her eyes. She was near climaxing.
Someone pounded on the door.
Michael banged his dick inside Artesia. He leaned down and whispered in her ear, “Don’t you move woman.”
Artesia pivoted her neck and kissed the side of Michael’s face.
“I wouldn’t think of it.”
She squeezed her vaginal muscles.
Michael slowly withdrew his manhood.
Artesia wrapped her palm around it, and massaged up and down the length.
Michael crawled over Artesia’s face.
Artesia pulled Michael’s dick to her lips, opened her mouth, and blanketed the erect taut skin.
Michael placed his dick between his index and third finger; he moved it back and forth inside Artesia’s mouth.
“Yes… yes…swallow that dick. Dammit Artesia, I need you in my life.”
He shuffled his manhood deeper inside her mouth.
The knocks on the door became bolder.
Artesia inched her mouth back.
“Baby, hold on.”
Michael withdrew his dick from out Artesia’s mouth, and stood. He walked over to where he left his shirt, and slid into it.
“Don’t forget the pants,” Artesia hollered from where she laid.
Michael lifted his jeans and slid into them. He did not bother to zip them. He walked to the door and opened it.
Kelly stood on his porch.
Michael looked back at Artesia.
Kelly did not wait for an invitation. She entered Michael’s residence. She opened her fur coat and let it slide down her arms.
Kelly stood in the nude, wearing nothing but a garter.
“I thought I would entice you.”
“Too late, the man has already been seduced.”
Kelly turned around. She lifted her fur coat from off the carpet and put it back on. She turned toward Michael.
“What...what is she doing here?”
“I would like to know the exact same thing, Michael.”
Artesia stood and walked over to where she left her clothes.
“Kelly, how the fuck did you know where I live.”
“I told you, I have my ways. Now what the hell is she doing here!”
“Keeping me company. Could you please leave?”
“Me or her?”
Michael arched his eyes at Kelly’s foolishness.
“I’ll have to say my time is wisely spent with Artesia.”
Kelly looked over at Artesia.
Artesia shivered at the hatred in her friend’s eyes.
This was the first time; she and her friend have ever fought over a man’s company.
“I see my company is not wanted.”
“I have to agree.”
Kelly walked to the door. She looked back at Artesia.
“I’ll see you later, Artesia.”
Kelly walked to the door and exited Michael’s residence.
Michael slammed the door close.
What a mood breaker.
“I think I should leave.”
“Yes, from here to my bedroom.”
Michael picked Artesia up and swung her into his arms.
“Are you serious?”
“As soon as I shoot my dick inside you, you tell me.”
Artesia blushed.
Michael whisked Artesia up two flights of stairs.
Tristano turned over to look at the bedside clock.
Someone was banging on his door.
“Who the fuck is it!”
He wondered was it Artesia returning to continue where they left off.
Tristano smiled. He hopped out the bed, grabbed his robe from off a nearby chair, and put it on. He ran out the bedroom, and down a flight of stairs.
Tristano tied his robe belt and opened the door.
“You couldn’t stay away from...”
His words died on his lips.
“Kelly, what are you doing here?”
Tristano looked over her shoulder, hoping to see Artesia.
“Artesia told me after she left Michael’s house to meet her here.”
“Come again.”
“I recently stopped over Michael’s home, and Artesia and Michael were…, occupied.”
“You must be mistaken. Artesia is at her parent’s home.”
“I’m sorry; I thought you knew she was at Michael’s residence.”
Tristano tied his robe belt tighter.
“Could you drive me back over there, my vehicle refused to start.”
Tristano ran over to the stairs. He took the steps two at a time.
Kelly looked around Tristano’s residence.
Was a man worth severing ties with a friend since high-school?
Tristano changed into a pair of blue denim jeans and a blue fleece with the inscription of Yale on it. He hurried out his bedroom, and back down the steps.
Damn the man was too handsome for his own good, as always; Artesia makes foolish choices concerning men she thought.
“Come on.”
Tristano grabbed Kelly by her upper arm and dragged her to the door.
Maybe she shouldn’t have added him to her mayhem.
Tristano opened the door. He practically shoved Kelly forward, and pulled his door close.
“And you say Artesia is at that bastard’s residence!”
Kelly looked into Tristano’s eyes. Wow, he was angry.
“Dammit is she over there, or not!”
“Fuck it, get in.”
Tristano opened the door for Kelly.
Kelly hesitated before she got in.
“I don’t have all fucking day!”
Kelly slid in the passenger seat.
Tristano pushed the door close.
Kelly watched him advance around the car. She never thought he would react like this.
“I’m sorry Artesia, and then again, I’m not.”
Tristano yanked the door open, got inside his vehicle, and pulled the door close. He inserted his key inside the ignition and started his vehicle.
Michael traced his finger up and down Artesia’s stomach. He dropped his head downward and suckled under a breast.
Artesia laughed.
Michael inched his head up and captured Artesia’s eyes.
“You’re ticklish.”
He kissed her lips and stroked her chin.
“I have a business trip planned next week, and I would like you to accompany me.”
Artesia palmed the sides of Michael’s face.
“I came over here to plead with you to help Tristano.”
“If you agree to go with me, consider all allegations dropped.”
“What’s in store for me on this business trip with you?”
Michael kissed Artesia’s inner palm.
“Barron Pharmaceuticals Incorporation, has placed a new drug to help fight juvenile diabetes on the market, and I have to address several pharmaceutical representatives, and our field officers at a board meeting. Following a ribbon cutting ceremony for my father, and uncle’s new restaurant.”
“In other words, I will be confined to a hotel.”
“No, you will be at my side.”
Artesia reached down and wrapped her palm around Michael’s manhood.
“I like being by your side.”
“As a future attorney, it’s time you see how the corporate world works, and the deals made behind closed doors.”
“Michael, this is moving much too fast for me. Earlier, I was whispering words of love in Tristano’s ear.”
Michael laid a finger over Artesia’s lips.
“Sometimes in life, it’s not where you start, but where you end. Make it known; this is the beginning of a relationship by my standards.”
Michael removed his finger and kissed Artesia’s lips. He leaned over, and grabbed another condom packet. He ripped it open, put it on his dick, and threw the packet aside.
Artesia sunk back against the pillow.
Michael laid on his stomach. He opened Artesia’s legs, and cupped her buttocks. He pulled her body down the length of the bed.
Michael’s mouth flayed Artesia’s wet downy hairs. His tongue followed the path of her clitoris. He reached up and squeezed both breasts.
Artesia arched her back. Michael’s tongue snaked inside of her.
Michael leaned sideways. His dick was beyond hard. He kissed the jutting pinkish skin.
Artesia palmed Michael’s head, arched her back, and climaxed for a third time.
“Oh...I...I…your tongue feels inside of me.”
Her orgasm was forceful.
“Oh Michael.”
Michael suckled the clear juices. He rolled over, got on his knees, and palmed his dick.
Artesia opened her legs.
Michael speared his manhood inside of her.
“Mmm hum,” she moaned.
This felt too good to pass up Artesia thought.
Michael’s manhood cycloned inside Artesia’s womanhood.
He withdrew, and rammed it back inside her, over and over again. He palmed the headboard, and persistently banged the lengthen rod to the depth of her womanhood.
“Com…come here.”
Michael leaned down and caught Artesia’s lips; his kiss took her breath away.
Artesia reached up and linked her arms behind Michael’s head; she pulled his body on top of hers. She shuffled her womanhood up and down.
The perspiration dripping off his chest fell to her chest.
Michael cupped Artesia’s buttocks, his semen funneled into the condom.
Artesia sucked the droplets off Michael’s skin. She held his buttocks down, and let out a small climax.
Artesia’s and Michael’s labored breathing, echoed throughout the bedroom.
Michael leaned back and kissed Artesia on the lips.
“I cannot give you, or this up.”
Artesia rubbed her palms up and down Michael’s back.
“You may not have too.”
“I see a man has to have a spare dick around you.”
“What a perfect idea.”
“I was only joking.”
“Darn it.”
Both laughed.
“Are you hungry?”
“Yes, I have worked up quite an appetite.”
“There’s this place not too far from here. I have to admit, this place serves the best blueberry pancakes.”
“You have a spacious kitchen, and I hope food in the refrigerator.”
“You want to hit me with that in English.”
Artesia lightly tapped Michael’s buttock.
“I can cook you know.”
“I would never refuse a beautiful woman, who’s trying to fill this man’s belly.”
Michael slid sideways. He placed one leg over Artesia.
“Before you rise from this bed. First, this is not the last time I will make my home between those thighs; second, Mr. Giordano is forgotten, and third, good morning.”
Michael leaned his face down and kissed Artesia’s lips.
“Good morning.”
“You are a very sexy woman in the morning.”
“You should see me at night.”
Both laughed.
Michael removed his leg.
Artesia sat up.
Michael stroked Artesia’s back with his feather-light touches.
What a complicated love triangle she has created.
“It’s not going to work, Artesia.”
Artesia pivoted.
“Pardon me.”
“If you trying to think of an excuse to escape me, it’s not going to happen.”
Artesia turned and crawled back over the bed.
Michael laid down and quickly removed the condom. He laid it on the nightstand and reached for the condom box.
The doorbell chimes reverberated throughout the house.
“Now who the fuck is it! If it’s your friend, I might have to be a little disrespectful.”
“No friend of mine will intentionally hurt me.”
Michael got off the bed and grabbed a pair of sweatpants from off a nearby chair. He quickly put them on.
Whoever it is, was now banging on the door.
Artesia rose from the bed.
Michael handed her a sweatshirt.
Artesia quickly put the sweatshirt on. Michael rushed out the bedroom with Artesia following.
Both ran down a flight of stairs, and then another staircase.
Michael rushed to the door and opened it.
Tristano barged into Michael’s residence.
“You lying conniving bitch.”
“Tristano… this is not what it....”
“Save it, if you want that lying bastard. I’ll hand him to you.”
Tristano turned his attention in Michael’s direction.
“You just had to take it there.”
“It appears you had no qualms about sleeping with my woman.”
“Man that shit happened years ago.”
“Revenge is a dish best served cold.
Artesia looked over at Michael.
Kelly entered.
“Did this bastard tell you the only reason he pursued you was, I slept with his whorish woman in college.”
“Is this true Michael.”
“Man, get the fuck out of my home!”
“No, we are going to settle this shit like real men, you sleep with my pussy, at least tell her the real reason.”
Artesia crossed her arms over her chest.
“Michael, what is Tristano talking about?”
“I have no idea.”
Michael’s eyes never left Tristano.
“Michael, I will ask you one more time. What is Tristano talking about?”
“Dumb shit we use to play in college.”
“I don’t understand.
“You were nothing but a pawn. This bastard used you to get back at me, and your trifling ass, fell for his childish temper tantrum. I advised you this motherfucker was full of shit. But no, your whorish ass just had to let him fuck you too. Well fuck you bitch, and that no good bastard you call a man.”
Tristano walked to the door. He turned around.
“I guess I should thank you for your contract expertise, it looks like that’s the only shit you’re good for. You lying bitch. Come on Kelly, you fuck one pussy, you can fuck them all.”
Tristano grabbed Kelly by her hand, and stormed out the door.
Artesia ran to the door. She saw Tristano open the door for Kelly and close it back.
Tristano looked back at Artesia. He walked around to the driver side, opened the door, and got in. He pulled the door close and inserted the key inside the ignition. He backed his vehicle up, and skidded out of Michael’s driveway.
Artesia’s heart skipped a beat. She slammed the door, and turned to face Michael. She raked her fingers through her hair.
“Dammit, you set me up. You knew Kelly would go and tell Tristano I was here. How could I have been so naďve?”
“Woo, slow down Miss. Attorney.”
Michael walked up to Artesia. He pulled her into his arms.
“Baby, only little boys play games like that. Furthermore, I don’t give a fuck about Mr. Giordano, or your twisted friend, Kelly’s deceptive ploy. This shit here, excuse my French, is about you and me, and for you to even think, I would risk, your emotions, and not lying between your thighs again, is farfetched.”
“Did Tristano really sleep with your girlfriend?”
“Yes, he and also some of his Kappa Phi Alpha fraternity brothers. Baby, the woman was wealthy and derived from an affluent background. Your dear Mr. Giordano, took it upon himself to wine and dine her, and then mentally disgraced her in the end. My college sweetheart ended up committing suicide.”
“Wait; was she raped by Tristano and his fraternity brothers?”
“No. However, after Mr. Giordano messed her head up, the girl was despondent, and felt like a total outcast at Yale.”
“I’m sorry.”
Michael inhaled and exhaled.
“Yeah so am I, she was the girl I was destined to marry.”
“Then how would you know if I’m the woman to pursue a relationship with.”
Michael hugged Artesia to him.
“I felt a weakness for you the moment I saw you.”
Artesia inched back.
“Yes, I will make love to you.”
He kissed her nose.
“You only have to ask.”
“That was not…”
Michael kissed Artesia’s lips. He hugged her tighter, and drew substance from her presence.
Artesia placed her arms around Michael’s neck.
He swung her up in his arms and hurried to the staircase.
Tristano pulled his vehicle into the driveway of his residence. He turned off the ignition, withdrew the key, and unsnapped his seatbelt; he opened the door and got out. He pushed the door close and ran around his vehicle. He pulled the door open.
Kelly unsnapped her seatbelt.
Tristano assisted Kelly out the vehicle, and pushed the door close. He grabbed her hand, and ran to his front door. He fumbled to insert the key inside the lock.
The key dropped out his hand.
Kelly bent over and retrieved it.
“Slow down, I’m not going anywhere.”
Tristano snatched the key from out Kelly’s hand, and jammed the key into the lock. He opened the door and entered.
He pulled Kelly inside his residence and kicked the door close with the back of his foot. He threw his keys on a chair, and then pulled Kelly into his arms. His lips galloped toward hers.
Tristano’s mouth smothered Kelly’s lips. He lifted her up in his arms, and carried her over to the couch. He laid her on it.
Tristano straightened his posture, and pulled his fleece over his head. He threw it on the carpet.
Kelly reached her hands up and rubbed her palms over Tristano’s hirsute chest wall.
The man’s chest was magnificent, silly Artesia, passed up on this.
Tristano sat Kelly up and quickly unbuttoned her blouse.
He took it off her and let it drop to the carpet; he leaned down and kissed her lips as he unsnapped her bra. Her bra slid down her arms landing between her thighs.
Kelly laid back on the couch.
Tristano sat on the edge of the couch. He leaned down and kissed Kelly on her chin.
“You’re not saying this because Mr. Barron has taken an interest in my company.”
“You and Mr. Barron will never happen.”
“You are so sure of yourself.”
“Yes, even if I have to marry you.”
“Nice comeback.”
He reached downward and squeezed a breast.
Tristano lifted Kelly’s chin and kissed her lips. He sunk his tongue to the back of her throat.
“You are so sure of yourself.”
“Yes, even if I have to marry you.”
Tristano suddenly stopped and retreated. He sat back against the couch cushion; he looked at Kelly’s topless nudity, and slicked his hand back through his hair.
“I’m sorry…”
“I have protection.”
Tristano pivoted to look at Kelly.
“Kelly, you are a very beautiful woman...”
“But not for you.”
Tristano added nothing.
She touched his arm
“Look, I’m not asking for a relationship, I only want to have sex with you. Truthfully, I think you are getting a bum deal from Artesia.”
Tristano leaned downward and kissed Kelly on the top of her forehead.
“You are too good to be degraded like that.”
Kelly sat up, and swung her legs off the couch; her feet hit the carpet.
“Why are all the good men already taken, or in love with the wrong woman.”
Kelly lifted her bra, and blouse from off the carpet. She put both back on; she snapped her bra, and then buttoned her blouse.
“Artesia is a very lucky woman.”
“Can I buy the beautiful woman breakfast?”
“I would love that.”
Tristano stood and put back on his fleece. Kelly stood.
Both walked to the door.
Belman Estates
Artesia turned around in Michael’s arms.
“How about that talk?”
Both walked over to the couch.
“After you, since I will be the one listening.”
Artesia sat followed by Michael.
“I would like you to drop this silly accusation against Tristano.”
Artesia held her hand up.
“You’re listening remember.”
“As you were saying.”
“I looked over the contracts, and my finding, the contracts are bogus, and forged.”
Michael rubbed over his five-o-clock shadow. He looked into Artesia’s eyes.
“You called me three o’clock in the morning to ask me to save your boyfriend’s ass.”
“Pardon me.”
“Before I retract what I said in the papers, I would let that bastard hang.”
“Do you hate Tristano that much?”
“No, I just want you, and if seeing his ass hang to get you, then so be it.”
Artesia gasped at the audacity of Michael’s tongue.
“Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea.”
Artesia stood. Michael stood.
“Could you ta…”
“You back to that loser, hell no.”
“Then I guess I’ll walk.”
Artesia pivoted to turn.
Michael grabbed her around her waist, and pulled her back to his chest.
“I didn’t mean to upset you.”
“Would you keep an open mind, and hear me out.”
“I’m listening.”
Artesia turned around in Michael’s arms.
“As I was saying.”
Michael kissed the side of Artesia’s neck.
“Tristano is innocent….”
Michael kissed Artesia under her chin. He unzipped her dress from the side. One side of her dress drooped.
“Michael, you supposed to be listening...”
“I’m doing just that.”
He squeezed one of her breasts.
“The contracts...”
Michael leaned down and kissed a breast nipple.
Artesia threw her head back.
Michael pulled the dress down, the softness of the material rested around Artesia’s hips.
“Those breasts nipples have been driving me insane all night long.”
Michael’s mouth followed his validation. He teased, and rolled his tongue over Artesia’s breast, he then suckled a harden nipple.
Stop this madness for things get out of hand she thought.
Michael inched back and looked down into Artesia’s eyes.
“I’ve dreamed a thousand times of making love to you.”
“Then maybe we should finally make this dream a reality.”
Artesia unbuttoned Michael’s Kenneth Cole white shirt.
Black fine hairs covered his entire chest wall.
She took off his shirt and threw it on the couch.
Michael pushed Artesia’s dress down her legs.
Artesia stepped out of it. Her breasts graced his hirsute chest.
“After I finish making love to you; I’m going to again...”
Artesia’s lips froze Michael’s sentence in mid-stride. She clumsily unbuckled his belt, and then unfastened the closure of his jeans. She unzipped the zipper.
Michael cupped Artesia’s face, and placed emphasis on the kiss.
Artesia blindly worked Michael’s denim and briefs over his erect dick. She inched back long enough to look down.
Oh Artesia you’re entering a dangerous game of love here.
Michael slipped out of his Italian loafers and pushed his jeans and briefs down to his feet. He took them off, lifted them from off the carpet, and blindly tossed them. He pulled Artesia against him and kissed her.
Michael reached down and placed his dick in between the space of Artesia’s thighs.
Artesia rocked her body back and forth.
“I have been saving this for you, and you only,” Michael whispered in her ear.
He dipped his knees and kissed under her chin; his tongue worshipped her face, her neck, he then snaked it inside her ear canal.
Artesia placed her palms on Michael’s shoulders and scooted closer to his body. She twisted her head sideways to accommodate the free range of his lips and tongue on her skin.
Artesia kissed Michael’s chest. She placed her arms around his neck, and pressed her physique against his body.
Michael lifted Artesia from off her feet.
The next thing she recalled. He laid her down on a white bear skin rug.
The crackling fire provided the warmth.
Artesia wrapped her legs around Michael’s waist, and pulled his body down to hers. Her tongue danced across his five o’clock shadow.
The excitement of him entering her overshadowed the guilt.
Michael slowly kissed Artesia. He kissed the side of her neck and inched back; he held her hands above her head, and seasoned her nipples with the striking of his wet tongue.
Michael licked around the mound. He teased one of Artesia’s nipples between his lips, and smacked the tip with his tongue.
“Oh Michael...oh baby.”
Michael released Artesia’s hands.
Artesia stuck her finger inside the passage of her pussy. She arched her back in self-pleasing herself.
Michael removed the finger from out Artesia’s pussy, and suckled it.
Michael got on his stomach and parted Artesia’s pussy. He kissed at the entrance, and titillated her clitoris. He licked over the wet opening.
Michael’s tongue swooped inside. He gripped the back of Artesia’s buttocks, and made a track with his tongue from her clitoris, down to the dip inside her pussy.
Oh Lord she thought.
Michael’s tongue consistently skimmed over Artesia’s clitoris like he was gliding his fingers over piano keys. He positioned himself over her, grabbed his manhood, and laid it against the crater of her pussy. He looked down into her eyes.
“Baby, I’m not planning on turning this clock back once we make love.”
Artesia did not think twice. She linked her arms around Michael’s lower back.
Michael propelled his dick pass the opening.
“I will not let you keep this from me any longer.”
Their lips met.
Artesia sucked on Michael’s tongue, getting high on his dick twisting and driving inside her vaginal walls.
“Michael...keep…keep moving.”
Michael closed his eyes to the tightness of Artesia’s pussy.
He repeatedly gouged every inch of his dick inside her. He opened his eyes and looked down into her eyes. He elongated his body, and crashed his dick inside her womanhood harder.
“Shi...shit. Oh, your cunt feels tight on this dick.”
Artesia kissed Michael’s chest wall. Her lips met a field of chest hairs. She half-lifted her back. Her womanhood tangoed over Michael’s manhood.
“Oh you feel so good…”
Michael repeatedly stabbed his manhood deeper.
Artesia dug her nails into Michael’s skin while lifting her pelvis to match his thrust.
Michael leaned his head down. He kissed under Artesia’s chin, and then he suckled her nose.
Someone knocked on the door.
Both bodies froze in motion.
Michael moved his hard erection inside Artesia.
Artesia closed her eyes. She was near climaxing.
Someone pounded on the door.
Michael banged his dick inside Artesia. He leaned down and whispered in her ear, “Don’t you move woman.”
Artesia pivoted her neck and kissed the side of Michael’s face.
“I wouldn’t think of it.”
She squeezed her vaginal muscles.
Michael slowly withdrew his manhood.
Artesia wrapped her palm around it, and massaged up and down the length.
Michael crawled over Artesia’s face.
Artesia pulled Michael’s dick to her lips, opened her mouth, and blanketed the erect taut skin.
Michael placed his dick between his index and third finger; he moved it back and forth inside Artesia’s mouth.
“Yes… yes…swallow that dick. Dammit Artesia, I need you in my life.”
He shuffled his manhood deeper inside her mouth.
The knocks on the door became bolder.
Artesia inched her mouth back.
“Baby, hold on.”
Michael withdrew his dick from out Artesia’s mouth, and stood. He walked over to where he left his shirt, and slid into it.
“Don’t forget the pants,” Artesia hollered from where she laid.
Michael lifted his jeans and slid into them. He did not bother to zip them. He walked to the door and opened it.
Kelly stood on his porch.
Michael looked back at Artesia.
Kelly did not wait for an invitation. She entered Michael’s residence. She opened her fur coat and let it slide down her arms.
Kelly stood in the nude, wearing nothing but a garter.
“I thought I would entice you.”
“Too late, the man has already been seduced.”
Kelly turned around. She lifted her fur coat from off the carpet and put it back on. She turned toward Michael.
“What...what is she doing here?”
“I would like to know the exact same thing, Michael.”
Artesia stood and walked over to where she left her clothes.
“Kelly, how the fuck did you know where I live.”
“I told you, I have my ways. Now what the hell is she doing here!”
“Keeping me company. Could you please leave?”
“Me or her?”
Michael arched his eyes at Kelly’s foolishness.
“I’ll have to say my time is wisely spent with Artesia.”
Kelly looked over at Artesia.
Artesia shivered at the hatred in her friend’s eyes.
This was the first time; she and her friend have ever fought over a man’s company.
“I see my company is not wanted.”
“I have to agree.”
Kelly walked to the door. She looked back at Artesia.
“I’ll see you later, Artesia.”
Kelly walked to the door and exited Michael’s residence.
Michael slammed the door close.
What a mood breaker.
“I think I should leave.”
“Yes, from here to my bedroom.”
Michael picked Artesia up and swung her into his arms.
“Are you serious?”
“As soon as I shoot my dick inside you, you tell me.”
Artesia blushed.
Michael whisked Artesia up two flights of stairs.
Tristano turned over to look at the bedside clock.
Someone was banging on his door.
“Who the fuck is it!”
He wondered was it Artesia returning to continue where they left off.
Tristano smiled. He hopped out the bed, grabbed his robe from off a nearby chair, and put it on. He ran out the bedroom, and down a flight of stairs.
Tristano tied his robe belt and opened the door.
“You couldn’t stay away from...”
His words died on his lips.
“Kelly, what are you doing here?”
Tristano looked over her shoulder, hoping to see Artesia.
“Artesia told me after she left Michael’s house to meet her here.”
“Come again.”
“I recently stopped over Michael’s home, and Artesia and Michael were…, occupied.”
“You must be mistaken. Artesia is at her parent’s home.”
“I’m sorry; I thought you knew she was at Michael’s residence.”
Tristano tied his robe belt tighter.
“Could you drive me back over there, my vehicle refused to start.”
Tristano ran over to the stairs. He took the steps two at a time.
Kelly looked around Tristano’s residence.
Was a man worth severing ties with a friend since high-school?
Tristano changed into a pair of blue denim jeans and a blue fleece with the inscription of Yale on it. He hurried out his bedroom, and back down the steps.
Damn the man was too handsome for his own good, as always; Artesia makes foolish choices concerning men she thought.
“Come on.”
Tristano grabbed Kelly by her upper arm and dragged her to the door.
Maybe she shouldn’t have added him to her mayhem.
Tristano opened the door. He practically shoved Kelly forward, and pulled his door close.
“And you say Artesia is at that bastard’s residence!”
Kelly looked into Tristano’s eyes. Wow, he was angry.
“Dammit is she over there, or not!”
“Fuck it, get in.”
Tristano opened the door for Kelly.
Kelly hesitated before she got in.
“I don’t have all fucking day!”
Kelly slid in the passenger seat.
Tristano pushed the door close.
Kelly watched him advance around the car. She never thought he would react like this.
“I’m sorry Artesia, and then again, I’m not.”
Tristano yanked the door open, got inside his vehicle, and pulled the door close. He inserted his key inside the ignition and started his vehicle.
Michael traced his finger up and down Artesia’s stomach. He dropped his head downward and suckled under a breast.
Artesia laughed.
Michael inched his head up and captured Artesia’s eyes.
“You’re ticklish.”
He kissed her lips and stroked her chin.
“I have a business trip planned next week, and I would like you to accompany me.”
Artesia palmed the sides of Michael’s face.
“I came over here to plead with you to help Tristano.”
“If you agree to go with me, consider all allegations dropped.”
“What’s in store for me on this business trip with you?”
Michael kissed Artesia’s inner palm.
“Barron Pharmaceuticals Incorporation, has placed a new drug to help fight juvenile diabetes on the market, and I have to address several pharmaceutical representatives, and our field officers at a board meeting. Following a ribbon cutting ceremony for my father, and uncle’s new restaurant.”
“In other words, I will be confined to a hotel.”
“No, you will be at my side.”
Artesia reached down and wrapped her palm around Michael’s manhood.
“I like being by your side.”
“As a future attorney, it’s time you see how the corporate world works, and the deals made behind closed doors.”
“Michael, this is moving much too fast for me. Earlier, I was whispering words of love in Tristano’s ear.”
Michael laid a finger over Artesia’s lips.
“Sometimes in life, it’s not where you start, but where you end. Make it known; this is the beginning of a relationship by my standards.”
Michael removed his finger and kissed Artesia’s lips. He leaned over, and grabbed another condom packet. He ripped it open, put it on his dick, and threw the packet aside.
Artesia sunk back against the pillow.
Michael laid on his stomach. He opened Artesia’s legs, and cupped her buttocks. He pulled her body down the length of the bed.
Michael’s mouth flayed Artesia’s wet downy hairs. His tongue followed the path of her clitoris. He reached up and squeezed both breasts.
Artesia arched her back. Michael’s tongue snaked inside of her.
Michael leaned sideways. His dick was beyond hard. He kissed the jutting pinkish skin.
Artesia palmed Michael’s head, arched her back, and climaxed for a third time.
“Oh...I...I…your tongue feels inside of me.”
Her orgasm was forceful.
“Oh Michael.”
Michael suckled the clear juices. He rolled over, got on his knees, and palmed his dick.
Artesia opened her legs.
Michael speared his manhood inside of her.
“Mmm hum,” she moaned.
This felt too good to pass up Artesia thought.
Michael’s manhood cycloned inside Artesia’s womanhood.
He withdrew, and rammed it back inside her, over and over again. He palmed the headboard, and persistently banged the lengthen rod to the depth of her womanhood.
“Com…come here.”
Michael leaned down and caught Artesia’s lips; his kiss took her breath away.
Artesia reached up and linked her arms behind Michael’s head; she pulled his body on top of hers. She shuffled her womanhood up and down.
The perspiration dripping off his chest fell to her chest.
Michael cupped Artesia’s buttocks, his semen funneled into the condom.
Artesia sucked the droplets off Michael’s skin. She held his buttocks down, and let out a small climax.
Artesia’s and Michael’s labored breathing, echoed throughout the bedroom.
Michael leaned back and kissed Artesia on the lips.
“I cannot give you, or this up.”
Artesia rubbed her palms up and down Michael’s back.
“You may not have too.”
“I see a man has to have a spare dick around you.”
“What a perfect idea.”
“I was only joking.”
“Darn it.”
Both laughed.
“Are you hungry?”
“Yes, I have worked up quite an appetite.”
“There’s this place not too far from here. I have to admit, this place serves the best blueberry pancakes.”
“You have a spacious kitchen, and I hope food in the refrigerator.”
“You want to hit me with that in English.”
Artesia lightly tapped Michael’s buttock.
“I can cook you know.”
“I would never refuse a beautiful woman, who’s trying to fill this man’s belly.”
Michael slid sideways. He placed one leg over Artesia.
“Before you rise from this bed. First, this is not the last time I will make my home between those thighs; second, Mr. Giordano is forgotten, and third, good morning.”
Michael leaned his face down and kissed Artesia’s lips.
“Good morning.”
“You are a very sexy woman in the morning.”
“You should see me at night.”
Both laughed.
Michael removed his leg.
Artesia sat up.
Michael stroked Artesia’s back with his feather-light touches.
What a complicated love triangle she has created.
“It’s not going to work, Artesia.”
Artesia pivoted.
“Pardon me.”
“If you trying to think of an excuse to escape me, it’s not going to happen.”
Artesia turned and crawled back over the bed.
Michael laid down and quickly removed the condom. He laid it on the nightstand and reached for the condom box.
The doorbell chimes reverberated throughout the house.
“Now who the fuck is it! If it’s your friend, I might have to be a little disrespectful.”
“No friend of mine will intentionally hurt me.”
Michael got off the bed and grabbed a pair of sweatpants from off a nearby chair. He quickly put them on.
Whoever it is, was now banging on the door.
Artesia rose from the bed.
Michael handed her a sweatshirt.
Artesia quickly put the sweatshirt on. Michael rushed out the bedroom with Artesia following.
Both ran down a flight of stairs, and then another staircase.
Michael rushed to the door and opened it.
Tristano barged into Michael’s residence.
“You lying conniving bitch.”
“Tristano… this is not what it....”
“Save it, if you want that lying bastard. I’ll hand him to you.”
Tristano turned his attention in Michael’s direction.
“You just had to take it there.”
“It appears you had no qualms about sleeping with my woman.”
“Man that shit happened years ago.”
“Revenge is a dish best served cold.
Artesia looked over at Michael.
Kelly entered.
“Did this bastard tell you the only reason he pursued you was, I slept with his whorish woman in college.”
“Is this true Michael.”
“Man, get the fuck out of my home!”
“No, we are going to settle this shit like real men, you sleep with my pussy, at least tell her the real reason.”
Artesia crossed her arms over her chest.
“Michael, what is Tristano talking about?”
“I have no idea.”
Michael’s eyes never left Tristano.
“Michael, I will ask you one more time. What is Tristano talking about?”
“Dumb shit we use to play in college.”
“I don’t understand.
“You were nothing but a pawn. This bastard used you to get back at me, and your trifling ass, fell for his childish temper tantrum. I advised you this motherfucker was full of shit. But no, your whorish ass just had to let him fuck you too. Well fuck you bitch, and that no good bastard you call a man.”
Tristano walked to the door. He turned around.
“I guess I should thank you for your contract expertise, it looks like that’s the only shit you’re good for. You lying bitch. Come on Kelly, you fuck one pussy, you can fuck them all.”
Tristano grabbed Kelly by her hand, and stormed out the door.
Artesia ran to the door. She saw Tristano open the door for Kelly and close it back.
Tristano looked back at Artesia. He walked around to the driver side, opened the door, and got in. He pulled the door close and inserted the key inside the ignition. He backed his vehicle up, and skidded out of Michael’s driveway.
Artesia’s heart skipped a beat. She slammed the door, and turned to face Michael. She raked her fingers through her hair.
“Dammit, you set me up. You knew Kelly would go and tell Tristano I was here. How could I have been so naďve?”
“Woo, slow down Miss. Attorney.”
Michael walked up to Artesia. He pulled her into his arms.
“Baby, only little boys play games like that. Furthermore, I don’t give a fuck about Mr. Giordano, or your twisted friend, Kelly’s deceptive ploy. This shit here, excuse my French, is about you and me, and for you to even think, I would risk, your emotions, and not lying between your thighs again, is farfetched.”
“Did Tristano really sleep with your girlfriend?”
“Yes, he and also some of his Kappa Phi Alpha fraternity brothers. Baby, the woman was wealthy and derived from an affluent background. Your dear Mr. Giordano, took it upon himself to wine and dine her, and then mentally disgraced her in the end. My college sweetheart ended up committing suicide.”
“Wait; was she raped by Tristano and his fraternity brothers?”
“No. However, after Mr. Giordano messed her head up, the girl was despondent, and felt like a total outcast at Yale.”
“I’m sorry.”
Michael inhaled and exhaled.
“Yeah so am I, she was the girl I was destined to marry.”
“Then how would you know if I’m the woman to pursue a relationship with.”
Michael hugged Artesia to him.
“I felt a weakness for you the moment I saw you.”
Artesia inched back.
“Yes, I will make love to you.”
He kissed her nose.
“You only have to ask.”
“That was not…”
Michael kissed Artesia’s lips. He hugged her tighter, and drew substance from her presence.
Artesia placed her arms around Michael’s neck.
He swung her up in his arms and hurried to the staircase.
Tristano pulled his vehicle into the driveway of his residence. He turned off the ignition, withdrew the key, and unsnapped his seatbelt; he opened the door and got out. He pushed the door close and ran around his vehicle. He pulled the door open.
Kelly unsnapped her seatbelt.
Tristano assisted Kelly out the vehicle, and pushed the door close. He grabbed her hand, and ran to his front door. He fumbled to insert the key inside the lock.
The key dropped out his hand.
Kelly bent over and retrieved it.
“Slow down, I’m not going anywhere.”
Tristano snatched the key from out Kelly’s hand, and jammed the key into the lock. He opened the door and entered.
He pulled Kelly inside his residence and kicked the door close with the back of his foot. He threw his keys on a chair, and then pulled Kelly into his arms. His lips galloped toward hers.
Tristano’s mouth smothered Kelly’s lips. He lifted her up in his arms, and carried her over to the couch. He laid her on it.
Tristano straightened his posture, and pulled his fleece over his head. He threw it on the carpet.
Kelly reached her hands up and rubbed her palms over Tristano’s hirsute chest wall.
The man’s chest was magnificent, silly Artesia, passed up on this.
Tristano sat Kelly up and quickly unbuttoned her blouse.
He took it off her and let it drop to the carpet; he leaned down and kissed her lips as he unsnapped her bra. Her bra slid down her arms landing between her thighs.
Kelly laid back on the couch.
Tristano sat on the edge of the couch. He leaned down and kissed Kelly on her chin.
“You’re not saying this because Mr. Barron has taken an interest in my company.”
“You and Mr. Barron will never happen.”
“You are so sure of yourself.”
“Yes, even if I have to marry you.”
“Nice comeback.”
He reached downward and squeezed a breast.
Tristano lifted Kelly’s chin and kissed her lips. He sunk his tongue to the back of her throat.
“You are so sure of yourself.”
“Yes, even if I have to marry you.”
Tristano suddenly stopped and retreated. He sat back against the couch cushion; he looked at Kelly’s topless nudity, and slicked his hand back through his hair.
“I’m sorry…”
“I have protection.”
Tristano pivoted to look at Kelly.
“Kelly, you are a very beautiful woman...”
“But not for you.”
Tristano added nothing.
She touched his arm
“Look, I’m not asking for a relationship, I only want to have sex with you. Truthfully, I think you are getting a bum deal from Artesia.”
Tristano leaned downward and kissed Kelly on the top of her forehead.
“You are too good to be degraded like that.”
Kelly sat up, and swung her legs off the couch; her feet hit the carpet.
“Why are all the good men already taken, or in love with the wrong woman.”
Kelly lifted her bra, and blouse from off the carpet. She put both back on; she snapped her bra, and then buttoned her blouse.
“Artesia is a very lucky woman.”
“Can I buy the beautiful woman breakfast?”
“I would love that.”
Tristano stood and put back on his fleece. Kelly stood.
Both walked to the door.
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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