Girl A' La Carte

She keeps fighting
fighting like that girl in the mirror
while she’s brushing her teeth
while she’s making the lists
she hurries, too busy
maybe if she would stop running down the lists
how much time does that take?

She keeps waiting
waiting to see that girl in the mirror
like she’s hiding
as if the mirror will open like a door and she will step out
grand and self-satisfied, confident that she is exactly what she sees
and then carry on as before and be satisfied with that as well, peacefully adaptable
ready for anything.

She grows up every minute of every day
she grows up beside that girl in the mirror
on the outskirts of normal unaware
knowing she’s the head of something, she just doesn’t know what
so she keeps on trucking, unaware
who does she think she is anyway?
She bares it all and doesn’t care the “who” that’s looking is right out of her own two eyes.

She sleeps on it
she sleeps on it every night
tomorrow she’ll be there again, that girl in the mirror, full of future, full of past.
This is what she gets, a mouth full of foam
a tingly hot, brushed raw experience with an afterward wince
just before the lights go out.
With no easy way to say it, she just doesn’t.

She decides
she decides that girl in the mirror
there is no wrong or right way to do it
there are only choices that get her where she’s going
and ones that don’t
she makes it work both ways, she has to in order to continue
she has to in order, that girl in the mirror
when her dreams are at an all-time high, she curbs
appeals to her most logical side and sometimes walks away a winner
with a clean pallet and willing to use it.
Written by Ms_LaCarte (Ms. La Carte)
Author's Note
A cynical male co-worker (in his 80's) once told me that all women are the same, they just come in different packaging. It got me to thinkin'... After many years the idea of so many different packages, not only among women but also within a person regardless of gender, became the theme that inspired the pen name - Ms. La Carte, a place to store a variety of art that passes through me. It's nothing brilliant, just ... allowed. ❣
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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