

I don't understand, but I wonder how come
I dream and remember things that happened
before I was born
perhaps caused when I am in my pram lay
absorbed without knowing what
the adults were talking about
my great-grandfather was a famed baker 
who specialized in cakes and puddings 
he had his own business, which his son my
grandfather squandered
I was drawn to the catering business
I no longer dream of my sister or my brother
they died young and have disappeared into
My mother I remember with fondness and
sadness, a hard-working woman with fierce
political opinions.
In later years, she succumbed to drinking and
took little interest in things around her
Of my father, I remember nothing
like looking into a blank wall, as my mother
once remarked I looked like my father
and she bore a secret smile.
One ominous thing is alcohol has played
and cast dark shadows through several 
I have myself suffered from this soul-eating
illness, I overcome by living far away and
in my writing 
The addiction tendency is genetic 
"Neglect is the biggest disease."
Written by oskar
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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