Witness To Truth

Memories are what I have left
Simpler times so it seemed
Every night was pure chaos
While days were growing difficult
Spent most the time drinking
The other half I was sleeping
Somewhere between them both
Were little sparks of brilliance

Sober moments I had a few
Finding confusion at the root
It wasn’t a feeling I desired
Being alone with only myself
Always locked in my head
Chained to illusions of hope
But when I reached outward
Reality pulled me back down

Suffocating on false promises
Weaving webs of pure insanity
When the last card was dealt
It revealed my achilles heel
Life lessons are cruel moments
Meant to bruise ones ego
Stripped bare right to the bone
Depression feasts on failures

Slowly clawing my way up
Surrounded on all four sides
An apex predator lies in wait
Coiled and ready to strike
I must keep moving forward
Inch by inch carefully stepping
Over every obstacle revealed
Becoming a witness to truth
Written by DamianDeadLove (Damian DeadLove)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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