Another Prayer...

In moments of clarity, I recall your words.
The promises of love, forgiveness, and eternal light.
Yet here I am, wandering through the shadows.
Questioning if I ever truly belonged to the flock.

Did my sins outweigh my faith?
Did my mistakes end up sealing my fate?
I long for a sign, a whisper, a touch.
To know I'm not forsaken.
That I've not lost your love.

The silence is deafening, a void I cannot fill.
Each prayer feels unanswered.
Each plea left unheard.
While I stand at the crossroads, between hope and despair.
Clinging to the belief that you still care.

As I pen these words, my final plea to you.
Grant me the strength to face what is true.
If I am to remain in this desolate state.
Let me find peace in accepting my fate.
Before I move on.

For in this journey, I've learned and I've grown.
Through the trials and tribulations I've known.
Even in darkness, a light can be found.
And maybe, just maybe, your love still surrounds me.

Guiding my hand as the pen glides across the loose leaf.
While at the same time, calling my heart down the path.
I feel unworthy of your gaze.
Now I realize, I was never truly alone.
I was always a stray...
Written by O_Blue (CiRcLeS...)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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